Israel vs. Libanon - Shahab3 - 03.12.2011
Zitat:Israel detonates spy device - Hezbollah
THE Israeli army has detonated an espionage device in southern Lebanon that had been monitoring a communications network, Shi'ite militant group Hezbollah says.
"The Israeli enemy today detonated an espionage apparatus latched onto a communications network between the villages of Srifa and Deir Kifa by drone after the Islamic resistance (Hezbollah) succeeded in uncovering the device," read a statement released by the Syrian- and Iranian-backed group.
No one was injured in the explosion east of the coastal city of Tyre, the statement said.
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Re: Israel vs. Libanon - Shahab3 - 06.01.2012
Zitat:3 Israeli army vehicles cross into north Ghajar
January 06, 2012 02:06 AM
The Daily Star
BEIRUT: Three Israeli army vehicles crossed into the Lebanese northern village of Ghajar, the National News Agency reported Thursday.
The Israeli army also conducted maneuvers in the occupied Shebaa Farms and Kfarshouba while Israeli reconnaissance planes and helicopters conducted aerial maneuvers above the Shebaa Farms.
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(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)
Re: Israel vs. Libanon - Shahab3 - 12.01.2012
Zitat:Israel drops unknown object on Lebanon
Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:20AM GMT
Israeli warplanes have dropped an “unidentified object” in a valley between the towns of Houla and Tallouse in southern Lebanon.
Lebanese officials said the army had difficulties to search for the object because unexploded cluster bombs dropped by Israel during its war against the resistance movement of Hezbollah in 2006 still remain in the area.
Israel also fired 75 shells during a Tuesday military exercise into the occupied Lebanese territory of Sheba'a Farms.
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Re: Israel vs. Libanon - Schneemann - 12.01.2012
Wird da nicht aus einer Fliege ein Elefant gemacht? Das liest sich, als wenn - so wie bei H. G. Wells' "Krieg der Welten" - die bösen Israelis einen "Gegenstand" abgeworfen haben, aus dem irgendwann mal ein Tripod schlüpft... :lol:
Re: Israel vs. Libanon - Patriot - 12.01.2012
Schneemann schrieb:Wird da nicht aus einer Fliege ein Elefant gemacht?
Und wie sähe es umgekehrt aus ? Würdest du da immer noch sagen, dass es eine Fliege ist ? Ich glaube eher nicht :!:
Re: Israel vs. Libanon - Schneemann - 12.01.2012
Och, wenn ich jede einzelne Rakete, die von palästinensischen Radikalen nach Israel geschossen wird, in Beitragsform hier darlegen würde (wohlgemerkt: Raketen, keine "Gegenstände"), dann hätte der Israel-Thread wohl 1.000+ Seiten. Insofern: Ich kann damit sehr gelassen umgehen... :wink:
Re: Israel vs. Libanon - Shahab3 - 15.01.2012
Ich kann Euch beiden versichern, dass Schnemann das weniger gelassen sieht wie jetzt, wenn Objekte der Hisbollah in Israel einschlagen.
Re: Israel vs. Libanon - Schneemann - 15.01.2012
Mag schon sein, aber dann wird im Libanon auch einiges einschlagen...
Re: Israel vs. Libanon - Shahab3 - 03.04.2012
Zitat:Israeli reconnaissance planes violate Lebanese airspace
According to a statement by the Lebanese Army, the Israeli aircraft violated Lebanese airspace on Monday over the southern border town of Naqoura at 11:55 a.m. local time (0955 GMT).
The Israeli planes left the Lebanese aerial territory over the southern areas of the country at about 06:20 p.m. local time (1620 GMT) on Monday.
Israel violates Lebanon’s airspace on an almost daily basis.
In 2009, Lebanon filed a complaint with the United Nations, presenting over 7,000 documents pertaining to Israeli violation of Lebanese territory.
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Re: Israel vs. Libanon - Shahab3 - 26.10.2012
Iranian Envoy: Israel Responsible for Beirut Terrorist Attack
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon Qazanfar Roknabadi blamed Israel for the deadly blast in Beirut on Friday, which killed the Head of the Lebanese Internal Security Forces, General Wissam al-Hassan.
Speaking in a meeting with the Lebanese Interior Minister Marwan Charbel in Beirut on Tuesday, Ronkabadi expressed his condolences to the minister on the sad occasion of the death of General al-Hassan and other victims in the terrorist attack in Beirut.
He further pointed to General al-Hassan's role in dismantling the Zionist regime's spy networks in Lebanon, and said Israel aims to target the security and stability of Lebanon through such criminal actions.
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Re: Israel vs. Libanon - Shahab3 - 26.10.2012
Iranian Envoy: Israel Responsible for Beirut Terrorist Attack
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon Qazanfar Roknabadi blamed Israel for the deadly blast in Beirut on Friday, which killed the Head of the Lebanese Internal Security Forces, General Wissam al-Hassan.
Speaking in a meeting with the Lebanese Interior Minister Marwan Charbel in Beirut on Tuesday, Ronkabadi expressed his condolences to the minister on the sad occasion of the death of General al-Hassan and other victims in the terrorist attack in Beirut.
He further pointed to General al-Hassan's role in dismantling the Zionist regime's spy networks in Lebanon, and said Israel aims to target the security and stability of Lebanon through such criminal actions.
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Re: Israel vs. Libanon - Shahab3 - 11.11.2012
Zitat:Meet Ayoub: The Muslim drone
Beirut, Lebanon - Driving in south Lebanon last week, I stopped at the former United Nations compound in the village of Qana where 106 people perished under Israeli military attack in April of 1996.
An area resident offered me a small photograph album to peruse, containing relevant scenes from the massacre. First came pre-attack images of civilian families that had sought refuge in the compound from Israeli shelling; next came images of buildings on fire, followed by charred corpses and headless babies.
As The Independent's Robert Fisk revealed at the time, the operation was facilitated by an Israeli surveillance drone, captured in video footage recorded by a UN soldier. The presence of the drone naturally nullified Israel's argument that the massacre had been a mistake.
As the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz reported in August of this year, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has warned Lebanon that any provocation by Hezbollah against the Jewish state will now merit retaliation against the nation as a whole. Given Israel's horrific track record with regard to distinguishing between civilians and combatants - and its habit of directly targeting civilian infrastructure - we might be forgiven for failing to discern how Netanyahu's warning constitutes an updated policy rather than a reiteration of business as usual.
Casualties of Israel's strategy in the last war with Lebanon in 2006 included major bridges and power plants, children obeying Israeli orders to evacuate their southern villages, and yet more residents of Qana - the victims of the second murderous "mistake" to have occurred in the town in just over a decade.
Belen Fernandez
Belen Fernandez is the author of The Imperial Messenger: Thomas Friedman at Work, published by Verso. She is a contributing editor at Jacobin Magazine.
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Re: Israel vs. Libanon - Erich - 19.11.2012
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Zitat:Libanon im Nahost-Konflikt
Droht Israel eine zweite Front im Norden?
Erst Gaza, dann Libanon - so war es 2006. Manche fürchten, auch diesmal könnte die Gewalt von der Region im Süden Israels auf den Norden überspringen. Denn die Hamas spielt auch im Libanon eine Rolle. Allerdings ist ihr Verhältnis zur Hisbollah, der dort wichtigen Kraft, heute völlig anders als 2006.
Stand: 18.11.2012 20:52 Uhr
Re: Israel vs. Libanon - Erich - 06.02.2013
das gehört hier rein
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... her-Grenze</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Israel fliegt Angriff an syrisch-libanesischer Grenze
30. Jänner 2013, 17:28
Informanten: Fahrzeugkolonne angegriffen - Israelische Armee lehnte jede Stellungnahme ab - Libanon dementiert.
... weil ...
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... n-Libanon/</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Israel bombardiert eigenes Geheimobjekt in Libanon
Wie die libanesische Zeitung „Al Mustaqbal" am Montag berichtet, soll bei einer geheimnisvolle Explosion östlich von der Stadt Tyre eine geheime Abhörstation zerstört worden sein, die Israel im Libanon eingerichtet hatte.
Damit die geheime Ausrüstung nicht in feindliche Hände geriet, beschloss Israel sie einfach loszuwerden.
Re: Israel vs. Libanon - Nightwatch - 06.02.2013
Was hat jetzt bitte das eine mit dem anderen zu tun?