Beiträge: 3.889
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Nach Angaben von Experten wären die SRBM des Typs Tayfun und zukünftig folgende Entwicklungen in der Lage nukleare Sprengköpfe zu tragen.
Beiträge: 3.889
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Nach Angaben des ehemaligen Luftwaffen General Erdoğan Karakuş kann die Türkei ballistische Raketen mit einer Reichweite von 3000 km herstellen.
Hier auf dieser Karte kann man den Bereich sehen den die Rakete mit 3000 km Reichweite abdeckt.
Beiträge: 13.007
Themen: 211
Registriert seit: May 2006
Zitat:Turkey Successfully Tests Hisar-O Medium-range Surface-to-air Missile
Turkey has successfully conducted a long-range test of its medium-range surface-to-air missile (SAM) system, Hisar-O, showing a step forward in the development of the country’s national air defense network, "Steel Dome." During the test, a Hisar-O battery launched a missile that hit a target over 40 kilometers away with extreme precision, demonstrating the advanced capabilities of the system. The Hisar-O SAM is expected to become a cornerstone of Turkey’s multi-layered air defense strategy, with plans to enhance its range and effectiveness through next-generation technological advancements. The first batch of these air defense systems, in their next-generation configuration, is expected to be delivered by the end of 2024.
Beiträge: 3.889
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Laut einer nicht genannten Quelle soll Bloomberg erfahren haben das die Türkei den Bau eines Weltraumbahnhof und ein Testgelände für ballistische Raketen in Somalia plant. Aufgrund der Bevölkerungsdichte können in der Türkei keine Test mit ballistischen Raketen größerer Reichweite durchgeführt werden außer über dem Schwazen Meer.
Beiträge: 3.889
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Turkey Wants Ballistic Missile Test Range, Spaceport in Somalia
By Selcan Hacaoglu
September 10, 2024 at 6:12AM EDT
(Bloomberg) -- Turkey has held talks with Somalia about setting up a site to test-fire missiles and space rockets from the Horn of Africa country, according to people familiar with the matter.
Ankara’s ballistic-missile program requires long-range testing and Somalia’s location on the eastern tip of mainland Africa is ideal for firing toward the Indian Ocean, said the people, who asked not to be identified discussing sensitive subjects. The country is close to the equator, making it a suitable site for a space port, they said. Testing near the equator can also help boost the range and efficiency of space rockets.
Turkey has long aspired to join a space race traditionally dominated by global powers, and plans to launch a rocket have been underway for some years. That could potentially be fired from Somalia, the people said. Turkish officials are confident Somalia will agree to its request, the people said. Turkey’s defense ministry declined to comment.
Hussein Sheikh-Ali, national security adviser to Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, declined to comment when contacted by phone on Tuesday. The chairman of the parliamentary sub-committee on defense, Abdi Ahmed Koshin, said he was unaware of any such agreement with Turkey.
Turkey has been working on increasing the range of its domestically-built Tayfun missiles from about 560 kilometers (350 miles), President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in 2022. A Somalia launch site would remove the risk of debris falling into residential areas and other countries, the people said.
Beiträge: 3.889
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Roketsan hat Spezifikationen zur Tayfun Rakete veröffentlicht. Die Rakete ist von ihrer Reichweite in die Kategorie der SRBM eingeordnet und kann Hyperschallgeschwindigkeit, über Mach 5 erreichen. Es soll eine Version geben die vom nationalen VLS MIDLAS verschossen werden kann. Es gibt Spekulationen über eine Variante die als "Carrier Killer" ähnlich den chinesischen Dong Feng Raketen genutzt werden kann. Es ist wahrscheinlich das diese vom VLS verschossen wird.
Zitat:TAYFUN SRBM as Turkiye's First Hypersonic Hitter
24 Sep 2024, 11:39 2 mins
Weapon / Missile
TAYFUN SRBM as Turkiye's First Hypersonic Hitter
ROKETSAN has published the technical specifications of TAYFUN SRBM, Turkiye's first hypersonic-cruising missile.
This infographic covers the first variant of TAYFUN, which was fired from a BORA SRBM canister and reached a range of more than 500 km. In addition to fitting into the BORA canister, which measures 7.1 m in length, TAYFUN is also more compact at 6.5 m and weighs 2300 kg versus BORA's 2500 kg.
An important part of the infographic is the official confirmation that TAYFUN is cruising at hypersonic speeds, which allows it to penetrate most enemy air defence systems.
Beiträge: 3.889
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Anlässlich zum 101 Jahrestag zum bestehen der Republik Türkei hat Roketsan eine animierte Grafik von einem Raketentest einer bisher unbekannten Rakete veröffentlicht. Angaben um was für einen Typ oder Art Rakete es sich handelt hat Roketsan nicht gemacht.
Zitat:ROKETSAN Shows Mysterious Missile Footage
30 Oct 2024, 20:28 2 mins
Weapon / Missile
ROKETSAN Shows Mysterious Missile Footage
ROKETSAN's post celebrating the 101st anniversary of the Turkish Republic's foundation showed a mysterious missile exiting from the launcher.
While the footage of the exit from the launcher confirms it is a missile, it likely isn't the CENK ballistic missile, as the fins on the front and the back were clearly visible, while the mysterious missile on the video has none.
The looks strongly suggest it is a new ballistic missile, but the type (in terms of range) cannot be predicted as there isn't a way to find a reference for scaling.
ROKETSAN revealed the TAYFUN and CENK ballistic missiles in 2022 and 2023, respectively. In the first test, TAYFUN was tested at a range beyond 500 km, while CENK's loading on a trailer launcher was shown. No firing test has been announced so far.
TAYFUN is an SRBM capable of hypersonic speeds at mid-course and can be regarded as a successor to BORA in terms of capabilities. On the other hand, CENK is a larger missile with a significantly longer range.
Hier ist die animierte Grafik zu sehen.
Beiträge: 3.889
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zwischen dem 08 - 15.11.2024 sind in Sinop am schwarzen Meer Raketentests angekündigt. Bin gespannt was getestet wird, ob eine neue Variante der Tayfun SRBM oder die Cenk MRBM getestet werden soll.
Tayfun SRBM:
Cenk MRBM:
Beiträge: 3.889
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
In einer Rede hat Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan hat die Türkei erwähnt das beschlossen wurde den Bestand der Raketen mit einer Reichweite mit 800 km + zu erweitern und die Entwicklung von Raketen zu beschleunigen mit einer Reichweite von 2000 km +.
Beiträge: 3.889
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Turkiye Increases Stockpile of 800 km Ranged Missiles
07 Jan 2025, 00:50 2 mins
Weapon / Missile
Turkiye Increases Stockpile of 800 km Ranged Missiles TurDef
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated that the “800 km range missiles” stockpile will be increased and the “2000 km range missile program” will be accelerated.
Delivering a speech after the Presidency Cabinet Meeting, President Erdoğan disclosed the presence of longer-range missiles and signalled a push for the intermediate-range regime.
These 800 km missiles could be TAYFUN ballistic missiles capable of hypersonic speeds. An agreement for the serial production of TAYFUN alongside other land-based missiles was signed in early 2024.
It is assumed from past test footage that there are two configurations of TAYFUN, with one fitting in BORA SRBM canisters and the other being housed in a longer canister, approximately nine meters long. ROKETSAN CEO Murat İkinci, during an interview with TRT news channel, previously stated that an extended range variant was in the works.
The 2000 km range missile program might refer to either one of the CENK ballistic missiles, which is significantly larger compared to BORA and TAYFUN, or the GEZGİN cruise missile range, which has yet to be revealed. CENK will be launched from trailers as it can not be carried by an 8x8 platform alone, while GEZGİN will have a wide range of platform options, such as land vehicles, submarines, warships, and fighter jets.