21.07.2007, 19:24
Da Du ja anfaengst persoenlich zu werden...somiet wohl auch langsam die argumente aus gehen und du die kontrolle verlierst...
Und da meine fakten eben NICHT Nur...VON gOOGLE SIND..
ABER UNTER ANDEREM AUS RESCHERSCHIEREN und sich schlau machen...mit den jahren...
Wuerde Ich es an deiner stelle auch versuchen...
Da du ja anscheinend NICHT mal im google suchen kannst UM UNS hier das gegenteil zu beweisen...oder SONNST wie beweisen kannst WAS ihr seit und woher ihr kommt...und nicht nur weil eine roemische karte euch geographisch in eine region gesetzt hatt.. Ihr jetzt das recht habt UNSERE geschichte wie auch intaetiaet zu stehlen...
machen Wir ein kleines resume...
1. Ich habe bewiesen das IHR keine Makedonen seit (ausser ihr seit griechischer abstammung)Und nicht nur Ich aber auch die ganze welt...
2.Das eure intentitaet nur dazu benutzt worden ist (kreation) von maechten die im Balkan eben interessen hatten und haben...
3.Geschichtlich (antike) haben eure versuche missarabel faehl geschlagen...keine beweise einer mekedonischen nation ausser der ,des griechischen dorischen stammes...(mach ein geschichts buch auf und lies WANN das National gefuehl ueberhaupt existiert hatt und endstanden ist creation von National staaten...)
4.Das eure ganze 50 jaehrige geschichte auf "maerchen basiert" und unter anderem es euch nicht mehr lange geben wird...
5.Das ihr mit jedem colaboritiert habt...und eure seelen verkauft habt ...Nur um euren kleinen maerchen staat zu kreerien...
6.Solange euch Griechnland NICHT akzeptiert eure existenz AUFS spiel steht...
7. We own you economicly-culturell...wie auch bald in der zukunft wenn ihr so weiter macht regional...
8.Ihr seit eine erfindung des commitern...
9.Euch gehen bald die luegen aus...
10.jedesmal wenn Ihr auf griechen stosst...werden eure komplexe(minderwetigkeits) mit euch gehen ...lol
11.Habe Ich zumindest bewiesen ...das Ihr auf griechische gebiete ihn MAKEDONIEN...teritoriale agressive interessen habt...(betreibung von nationalistischer politik gegen einen nachbar staat...der obendrein euch um lichtjahre voraus ist...)
wuerde euch jemals geschichtlich die moeglichkeit gegeben uns zu eorbern wuerdet ihr es auch prombt machen...
Ich bin kein naiver Nord europaer...dem ihr maerchen erzaehlen konnt...
Gebe mir einen beweiss von all deinem geschriebenen maerchen ...EINEN BEWEISS...bitte...
ansonsten...you know were the AUSgang IST..
Antike...habte ihr keine beweise...
mittelalter....habt Ihr keine beweise..
neu zeit...fangt ihr an eure eigene maerchen zu glauben...und jeder der euch irgendwie...aussnehmen will....(erkennt euch an )nur um euren marionetten staat besser zu kontrolieren... unter anderem aber kein Balkan nachbar...hatt euch je als Makedonische nation anerkannt...warum..?
spare me with your Maerchen...
und auch kein EU staat wird es wagen euch in die EU an zunehmen ...ohne vorher mit Griechenland klar gekommen zu sein...(welcome in the game of interests ihr zwerge)
Vardar Republik...get use of it...
Tsar Samuil
As mentioned earlier in 1969 the Yugoslav book 'ISTORIJA' was published. The book forcibly gave any historical event/person "Macedonian" (Slavic) identity. Because of this not only did they seek to appropriate the history of Ancient and medival Greek history of Macedonia but also medival Bulgarians, Serbs and Albanians. Here we will focus on the medival Bulgarian king, Tsar Samuil, who was one of many figures in the history of the region who the Yugoslavs chose to claim in Istorija as 'Macedonian'.
Tsar Samuil of Bulgaria (c. 958 - October 6, 1014), also sometimes referred as Samuel or Samoil, ascended the Bulgarian thrown in 997. general, Samuil won some victories over the Byzantines by taking advantage of the stretched Byzantine armies of Emperor Basil II, who were fighting simultaneous campaigns in the East against the Arabs. In 986, Samuil drove Basil II's army from the field at Trayanovi Vrata and incorporated much Byzantine territory in his empire including all of Macedonia, Vardar, extending all the way into central Greece. In 996 Basil defeated Samuel on the Spercheios River and reconquered Greece and in 1002 he overran Macedonia. Samuel recovered, however, reconquered Macedonia, and sacked Adrianople (1003). In 1007 Basil subdued Macedonia again and after years of indecisive conflict annihilated the Bulgarian army at Belasitsa (1014). It was the decisive defeat of Samuil at Belasitsa which earnt Basil the name 'Boulgaroktonos' or 'Basil the Bulgar Slayer' and ended Samuil's short lived empire.
Ironically even Samuil, whose very name was synonymous with the word 'Bulgarian', the 'historians' of Yugoslavia and of modern F.Y.R.O.M as well claim that Samuil was a 'Macedonian' king and even claim that the state of Samuil was the first "Macedonian" state.
Primary and secondary sources concerning the Bulgarian ethnicity of Samuil and his 11th century state:
As was mentioned prior, Because of his crushing victory over Samuil, Basil II was given the title, Basil the Bulgar slayer. If it was true that Samuel was a "Macedonian king" then the Byzantinian emperor would not be named as Bulgarocton (=killer of the Bulgarians) but as Macedonocton! The Byzantines themselves, as anyone else did, regarded Samuel and his state as Bulgarian, and that is the reason why they named the new Thema they founded in his state's lands as 'Boulgaria'.
This medival Byzantine fresco, depicting the defeat of Samuil in 1014, shows the word 'Boulgaroi' ('Bulgarians') over the heads of Tsar Samuil and his army:
[Bild: http://www.macedoniaontheweb.com/wiki/im...adrid1.jpg]
Bitola inscription
The Bitola inscription is an inscription made by order of Bulgarian Tsar Ivan Vladislav in 1015 or 1016 in connection with the fortification of the Bitola fortress. The inscription was found in 1956 in Bitola, F.Y.R.O.M and is stored at the Bitola Historical Museum:
[Bild: http://www.macedoniaontheweb.com/wiki/im...iption.JPG]
Text of the inscription (translation from Old Bulgarian):
"In year 6253 (1015) since the creation of the world, this fortress, built and made by Ivan, Tsar of Bulgaria, was renewed with the help and the prayers of Our Most Holy Lady and through the intercession of her twelve supreme apostles. The fortress was built as a haven and for the salvation of the lives of the Bulgarians. The work on the fortress of Bitola commenced on the twentieth day of October and ended on the… This Tsar was Bulgarian by birth, grandson of the pious Nikola and Ripsimia, son of Aaron, who was brother of Samuil, Tsar of Bulgaria, the two who routed the Greek army of Emperor Basil at Stipone where gold was taken… and this… Tsar was defeated by Emperor Basil in 6522 (1014) since the creation of the world in Klyutch (the Battle of Kleidion) and died at the end of the summer."
1911 edition of Encyclopedia Brittanica:
"The power of Bulgaria was restored by the Tsar Samuel, in whom Basil found a worthy foe. The emperors first efforts against him were unsuccessful (98I),and the war was not resumed till 996, Samuel in the meantime extending his rule along the Adriatic coast and imposing his lordship on Servia. Eastern Bulgaria was finally recovered in boo; but the war continued with varying successes till 1014, when the Bulgarian army suffered an overwhelming defeat."
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/B/BA/BASIL_II_.htm">http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/B/BA/BASIL_II_.htm</a><!-- m -->
The Encyclopedia of world history, 2001
"Samuel of Bulgaria 976–1014. Tsar Samuel of Bulgaria. He built up another great Bulgarian Empire, with its capital at Ochrid, extending from the Adriatic to the Black Sea and from the Danube to Central Greece. In 981 he defeated Basil near Sofia"...
"The great Bulgarian campaigns of Basil II. The great Bulgarian campaigns. In 996 Basil defeated Samuel on the Spercheios River and reconquered Greece. In 1002 he overran Macedonia. Samuel recovered, however, reconquered Macedonia, and sacked Adrianople (1003). In 1007 Basil subdued Macedonia again and after years of indecisive conflict annihilated the Bulgarian army at Belasitsa (1014). He sent several thousand blinded soldiers back to Samuel, who died of the shock. The Bulgarians finally submitted (1018), but were left an autocephalous church at Ochrid. Many of the Bulgarian noble families settled in Constantinople and merged with the Greek and Armenian aristocracy"...
Encarta, History of Bulgaria
"The Russians were compelled to withdraw from Bulgaria in 972, and the eastern part of the country was annexed to the Byzantine Empire. Samuel, the son of a Bulgarian provincial governor, became ruler of western Bulgaria in 976. Samuel’s armies were annihilated in 1014 by the Byzantine Emperor Basil II, who incorporated the short-lived state into his empire in 1018"...
The Columbia Encyclopedia 2001 edition
"Basil II. c.958–1025, Byzantine emperor (976–1025), surnamed Bulgaroktonos [Bulgar slayer]".
Brittanica Concise Encyclopedia
"Basil II. Known as Basil Bulgaroctonus (Greek for “Slayer of the Bulgars”) became one of the strongest Byzantine emperors, winning territory in the Balkans, Mesopotamia, Armenia, and Georgia. He was noted for his victory (1014) in the war with Bulgaria, which ended with his blinding all the soldiers in the defeated Bulgarian army."
Other miscellaneous examples of Historical revisionism by Yugoslav and Skopjian "historians":
-In 1986 Skopje deceived the Vatican by gaining permission to hold, at the Vatican, an exhibition of "Macedonian" icons -which were in fact Greek Byzantine icons. Later a Vatican spokesman stated that they had been "tricked by Skopje"
-In June 1989 Skopje deceived the Russians by putting on an exhibition in Moscow of fourth to sixth century "Macedonian" terracottas. The inscriptions were all in Greek.__________________
Und da meine fakten eben NICHT Nur...VON gOOGLE SIND..
ABER UNTER ANDEREM AUS RESCHERSCHIEREN und sich schlau machen...mit den jahren...
Wuerde Ich es an deiner stelle auch versuchen...
Da du ja anscheinend NICHT mal im google suchen kannst UM UNS hier das gegenteil zu beweisen...oder SONNST wie beweisen kannst WAS ihr seit und woher ihr kommt...und nicht nur weil eine roemische karte euch geographisch in eine region gesetzt hatt.. Ihr jetzt das recht habt UNSERE geschichte wie auch intaetiaet zu stehlen...
machen Wir ein kleines resume...
1. Ich habe bewiesen das IHR keine Makedonen seit (ausser ihr seit griechischer abstammung)Und nicht nur Ich aber auch die ganze welt...
2.Das eure intentitaet nur dazu benutzt worden ist (kreation) von maechten die im Balkan eben interessen hatten und haben...
3.Geschichtlich (antike) haben eure versuche missarabel faehl geschlagen...keine beweise einer mekedonischen nation ausser der ,des griechischen dorischen stammes...(mach ein geschichts buch auf und lies WANN das National gefuehl ueberhaupt existiert hatt und endstanden ist creation von National staaten...)
4.Das eure ganze 50 jaehrige geschichte auf "maerchen basiert" und unter anderem es euch nicht mehr lange geben wird...
5.Das ihr mit jedem colaboritiert habt...und eure seelen verkauft habt ...Nur um euren kleinen maerchen staat zu kreerien...
6.Solange euch Griechnland NICHT akzeptiert eure existenz AUFS spiel steht...
7. We own you economicly-culturell...wie auch bald in der zukunft wenn ihr so weiter macht regional...
8.Ihr seit eine erfindung des commitern...
9.Euch gehen bald die luegen aus...
10.jedesmal wenn Ihr auf griechen stosst...werden eure komplexe(minderwetigkeits) mit euch gehen ...lol
11.Habe Ich zumindest bewiesen ...das Ihr auf griechische gebiete ihn MAKEDONIEN...teritoriale agressive interessen habt...(betreibung von nationalistischer politik gegen einen nachbar staat...der obendrein euch um lichtjahre voraus ist...)
wuerde euch jemals geschichtlich die moeglichkeit gegeben uns zu eorbern wuerdet ihr es auch prombt machen...
Ich bin kein naiver Nord europaer...dem ihr maerchen erzaehlen konnt...
Gebe mir einen beweiss von all deinem geschriebenen maerchen ...EINEN BEWEISS...bitte...
ansonsten...you know were the AUSgang IST..
Antike...habte ihr keine beweise...
mittelalter....habt Ihr keine beweise..
neu zeit...fangt ihr an eure eigene maerchen zu glauben...und jeder der euch irgendwie...aussnehmen will....(erkennt euch an )nur um euren marionetten staat besser zu kontrolieren... unter anderem aber kein Balkan nachbar...hatt euch je als Makedonische nation anerkannt...warum..?
spare me with your Maerchen...
und auch kein EU staat wird es wagen euch in die EU an zunehmen ...ohne vorher mit Griechenland klar gekommen zu sein...(welcome in the game of interests ihr zwerge)
Vardar Republik...get use of it...
Tsar Samuil
As mentioned earlier in 1969 the Yugoslav book 'ISTORIJA' was published. The book forcibly gave any historical event/person "Macedonian" (Slavic) identity. Because of this not only did they seek to appropriate the history of Ancient and medival Greek history of Macedonia but also medival Bulgarians, Serbs and Albanians. Here we will focus on the medival Bulgarian king, Tsar Samuil, who was one of many figures in the history of the region who the Yugoslavs chose to claim in Istorija as 'Macedonian'.
Tsar Samuil of Bulgaria (c. 958 - October 6, 1014), also sometimes referred as Samuel or Samoil, ascended the Bulgarian thrown in 997. general, Samuil won some victories over the Byzantines by taking advantage of the stretched Byzantine armies of Emperor Basil II, who were fighting simultaneous campaigns in the East against the Arabs. In 986, Samuil drove Basil II's army from the field at Trayanovi Vrata and incorporated much Byzantine territory in his empire including all of Macedonia, Vardar, extending all the way into central Greece. In 996 Basil defeated Samuel on the Spercheios River and reconquered Greece and in 1002 he overran Macedonia. Samuel recovered, however, reconquered Macedonia, and sacked Adrianople (1003). In 1007 Basil subdued Macedonia again and after years of indecisive conflict annihilated the Bulgarian army at Belasitsa (1014). It was the decisive defeat of Samuil at Belasitsa which earnt Basil the name 'Boulgaroktonos' or 'Basil the Bulgar Slayer' and ended Samuil's short lived empire.
Ironically even Samuil, whose very name was synonymous with the word 'Bulgarian', the 'historians' of Yugoslavia and of modern F.Y.R.O.M as well claim that Samuil was a 'Macedonian' king and even claim that the state of Samuil was the first "Macedonian" state.
Primary and secondary sources concerning the Bulgarian ethnicity of Samuil and his 11th century state:
As was mentioned prior, Because of his crushing victory over Samuil, Basil II was given the title, Basil the Bulgar slayer. If it was true that Samuel was a "Macedonian king" then the Byzantinian emperor would not be named as Bulgarocton (=killer of the Bulgarians) but as Macedonocton! The Byzantines themselves, as anyone else did, regarded Samuel and his state as Bulgarian, and that is the reason why they named the new Thema they founded in his state's lands as 'Boulgaria'.
This medival Byzantine fresco, depicting the defeat of Samuil in 1014, shows the word 'Boulgaroi' ('Bulgarians') over the heads of Tsar Samuil and his army:
[Bild: http://www.macedoniaontheweb.com/wiki/im...adrid1.jpg]
Bitola inscription
The Bitola inscription is an inscription made by order of Bulgarian Tsar Ivan Vladislav in 1015 or 1016 in connection with the fortification of the Bitola fortress. The inscription was found in 1956 in Bitola, F.Y.R.O.M and is stored at the Bitola Historical Museum:
[Bild: http://www.macedoniaontheweb.com/wiki/im...iption.JPG]
Text of the inscription (translation from Old Bulgarian):
"In year 6253 (1015) since the creation of the world, this fortress, built and made by Ivan, Tsar of Bulgaria, was renewed with the help and the prayers of Our Most Holy Lady and through the intercession of her twelve supreme apostles. The fortress was built as a haven and for the salvation of the lives of the Bulgarians. The work on the fortress of Bitola commenced on the twentieth day of October and ended on the… This Tsar was Bulgarian by birth, grandson of the pious Nikola and Ripsimia, son of Aaron, who was brother of Samuil, Tsar of Bulgaria, the two who routed the Greek army of Emperor Basil at Stipone where gold was taken… and this… Tsar was defeated by Emperor Basil in 6522 (1014) since the creation of the world in Klyutch (the Battle of Kleidion) and died at the end of the summer."
1911 edition of Encyclopedia Brittanica:
"The power of Bulgaria was restored by the Tsar Samuel, in whom Basil found a worthy foe. The emperors first efforts against him were unsuccessful (98I),and the war was not resumed till 996, Samuel in the meantime extending his rule along the Adriatic coast and imposing his lordship on Servia. Eastern Bulgaria was finally recovered in boo; but the war continued with varying successes till 1014, when the Bulgarian army suffered an overwhelming defeat."
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/B/BA/BASIL_II_.htm">http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/B/BA/BASIL_II_.htm</a><!-- m -->
The Encyclopedia of world history, 2001
"Samuel of Bulgaria 976–1014. Tsar Samuel of Bulgaria. He built up another great Bulgarian Empire, with its capital at Ochrid, extending from the Adriatic to the Black Sea and from the Danube to Central Greece. In 981 he defeated Basil near Sofia"...
"The great Bulgarian campaigns of Basil II. The great Bulgarian campaigns. In 996 Basil defeated Samuel on the Spercheios River and reconquered Greece. In 1002 he overran Macedonia. Samuel recovered, however, reconquered Macedonia, and sacked Adrianople (1003). In 1007 Basil subdued Macedonia again and after years of indecisive conflict annihilated the Bulgarian army at Belasitsa (1014). He sent several thousand blinded soldiers back to Samuel, who died of the shock. The Bulgarians finally submitted (1018), but were left an autocephalous church at Ochrid. Many of the Bulgarian noble families settled in Constantinople and merged with the Greek and Armenian aristocracy"...
Encarta, History of Bulgaria
"The Russians were compelled to withdraw from Bulgaria in 972, and the eastern part of the country was annexed to the Byzantine Empire. Samuel, the son of a Bulgarian provincial governor, became ruler of western Bulgaria in 976. Samuel’s armies were annihilated in 1014 by the Byzantine Emperor Basil II, who incorporated the short-lived state into his empire in 1018"...
The Columbia Encyclopedia 2001 edition
"Basil II. c.958–1025, Byzantine emperor (976–1025), surnamed Bulgaroktonos [Bulgar slayer]".
Brittanica Concise Encyclopedia
"Basil II. Known as Basil Bulgaroctonus (Greek for “Slayer of the Bulgars”) became one of the strongest Byzantine emperors, winning territory in the Balkans, Mesopotamia, Armenia, and Georgia. He was noted for his victory (1014) in the war with Bulgaria, which ended with his blinding all the soldiers in the defeated Bulgarian army."
Other miscellaneous examples of Historical revisionism by Yugoslav and Skopjian "historians":
-In 1986 Skopje deceived the Vatican by gaining permission to hold, at the Vatican, an exhibition of "Macedonian" icons -which were in fact Greek Byzantine icons. Later a Vatican spokesman stated that they had been "tricked by Skopje"
-In June 1989 Skopje deceived the Russians by putting on an exhibition in Moscow of fourth to sixth century "Macedonian" terracottas. The inscriptions were all in Greek.__________________