Das Kreuz mit dem Kruzifix
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Zitat:Dec. 22, 2003
Schroeder backs headscarf ban for teachers

Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has come out against allowing teachers in public schools to wear headscarves, saying in an interview published Sunday the Islamic dress has "no place" among civil servants.

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Zitat:French headscarf ban stirs Arab, Muslim uproar
Tue Dec 23, 9:12 AM ET Add Mideast - AFP to My Yahoo!

CAIRO (AFP) - Arab and Muslim countries are voicing growing outrage at French President Jacques Chirac's support for a ban on the headscarf even if a few intellectuals dispute claims Muslim women are bound by duty to wear it.

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Zitat:France's Wake-Up Call
By Olivier Guitta
FrontPageMagazine.com | December 23, 2003

Last week, French President Jacques Chirac declared that "(French) schools will remain secular." Thus, the hijab, the yarmulke and "large crosses" are going to be banned in France’s schools. But the real underlying issue, one not addressed by Chirac, concerns the extremist version of Islam currently threatening the French Republic, host to the largest Muslim population in Europe.
In certain cases, French Muslim families are paid 500 Euros (around 600 USD) per trimester by Muslim organizations just to have their daughters wear the hijab. In fact, a survey done last May found that 77% of girls wearing the hijab do so because of the physical threats received from Islamist groups. Liberation, a major French newspaper, recently showed how Muslim women and girls in France who refuse to wear the hijab are insulted, rejected and often times physically threatened by Muslim males.
Chirac hat es richtig gemacht :daumen:

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