(Amerika) Streitkräfte der USA - allg. Sammelthread
hier mal ein interessanter Vergleich zwischen den beiden LCS Varianten, der F125 und der Absolon-Klasse der Dänen

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://images.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/2290/lcscompbombardmentwi0.png&imgrefurl=http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread361628/pg1&h=398&w=640&sz=83&hl=de&start=52&um=1&usg=__Y6GliiL3BwXhOWz3nF7z7ooJXjs=&tbnid=X6cIZczTb8z13M:&tbnh=85&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dloitering%2Battack%2Bmissile%26start%3D40%26ndsp%3D20%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dde%26sa%3DN">http://images.google.de/imgres?imgurl=h ... e%26sa%3DN</a><!-- m -->

Zitat:Tallying the points:
Ok, if we award four points for a 1st place in any category, 2 for second etc… and then add them up this is what we get:
1. Absalon (30 points)
2. F-125 (27 points)
3. LCS-2 (25 points)
4. LCS-1 (19 points)

So why doesn’t USA clone Absalon?
Well Denmark is a small country with international ambitions (mainly peace keeping, NATO commitments etc) with a modest navy. Deploying a force abroad, in a littoral environment, is not going to be a huge fleet so the ship needs to be capable of operating with minimal support. Denmark also only has two ships planned so each has to carry more than the USN’s planned fleets of LCS’ to deploy the same force. Also Denmark has a small fleet yet is strategically positioned at the mouth of the Baltic so secondary anti-surface warfare is also needed (hence the 16 SSMs). In short Denmark’s boats need to be more general purpose and more self-sufficient. Whereas America’s LCS program is designed to operate in the context of a much larger force with masses of land attack and under air superiority. So the USN’s LCS don’t need to be either as powerful or as self-sufficient. However, one-for-one the Absalon is still better, although not in every way (it’s big and slow).

ich finde dass dies ein sehr gelungener Vergleich unter Berücksichtigung aller Kategorien ist (Preislich geben sich die Kandidaten nicht viel, Absolon ist glaub sogar am günstigsten...)

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