(Amerika) Streitkräfte der USA - allg. Sammelthread
Also Heute kamm der offiziele haushaltvorschlag der messias Administration also da ist das was vorgeschlagen wurde von gates und noch ieniges an Myst was man nicht erwartet hat.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://uk.reuters.com/article/allBreakingNews/idUKN0726631020090507">http://uk.reuters.com/article/allBreaki ... 1020090507</a><!-- m -->

Zitat:FACTBOX-Major weapon changes in 2010 U.S. defense budget

WASHINGTON, May 7 (Reuters) - The Pentagon on Thursday sent Congress a fiscal 2010 budget plan that shifts funding to focus more on irregular warfare and take better care of troops, while cutting back or canceling several major weapons programs.

Some of the recommendations, which must still be approved by Congress, call for:

- Zero funding for an alternate engine being developed by General Electric Co (GE.N) and Rolls-Royce Group Plc (RR.L) for the F-35 fighter jet, a project initiated by Congress in 1996. The program has already received $2.5 billion in funding from Congress despite repeated Pentagon attempts at cancellation.

- Termination of the VH-71 presidential helicopter program being developed by Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) and its partner AgustaWestland, a unit of Italy's Finmeccanica SpA (SIFI.MI), a program that had threatened to double in cost to over $13 billion.

- Cancellation of a $15 billion Air Force competition for new Air Force combat search and rescue helicopters while military requirements are studied. Lockheed, Boeing Co (BA.N), and Sikorsky Aircraft, part of United Technologies Corp (UTX.N), have been competing for the work for several years.

Instead, the Air Force proposed spending $90 million for 2 HH-60M Pave Hawk helicopters built by Sikorsky to replenish its current search and rescue helicopter fleet.

- Cancellation of $87 billion in funding for the ground vehicle portion of the Army's Future Combat Systems (FCS) modernization program, a program run by Boeing and Science Applications International Corp (SAI.N). Army officials also said they would present a proposal for replacement vehicles by early September and seek to renegotiate the terms of the overall FCS contract in the near term.

- Cuts of $1.2 billion in funding from the missile defense program, with the lion's share of the cuts coming from the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system built by Boeing, and the Patriot PAC-3 missile program run by Raytheon Co (RTN.N) and Lockheed.Officials said they also canceled funding for the Kinetic Energy Interceptor being developed by Northrop Grumman Corp (NOC.N).

- No funding for additional F-22 fighter jets built by Lockheed and Boeing, with the Air Force earmarking $64 million to begin closing the F-22 production line........

Das rot unterstrichende ist das was mich an meisten verblüfft hat. Man hat ja schon gesagt das man das GDM kürzen will auf nur 26 Raketen in Alaska und 4 in Kalifornien dafür aber so wörtlich bewehrte ABM Systeme fördern wie das PAC-3, THAAD und SM3. Nun aber plant man das PAC3 zu kürzen der wohl am weitesten erprobten Abwehrrakete na ja sowas nennt man wohl Messianische Intelligenz, ich versuche noch den Umfang der Kürzung bei PAC-3 festzustellen.

Eine gute Nachricht gibt es aber das ist auch nur die einzige man will 6 weitere Aegis Zerstörer biss 2015 bestellen und 4 weiteren Aegis Schiffe 2010 mit SM3 Raketen bewaffnen. Der Rest dürfte mehr oder weniger bekannt sein, ich werde sobald ich das Offizielle Dokument des Vorschlages haben es hier reinstellen.

Update betreff PAC3, THAAD udn SM3.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/feedarticle/8495245">http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/feedarticle/8495245</a><!-- m -->

Zitat:* Funding cut less than expected
* Program focus shifts to rogue threats
* Funding up for Aegis, THAAD programs (Adds details on funding for specific programs)
WASHINGTON, May 7 (Reuters) - The Pentagon said on Thursday it was seeking a $1.2 billion funding cut in missile defense spending for fiscal 2010 and set its budget request for the Missile Defense Agency at $7.8 billion.
The cut was lower than the $1.4 billion reduction initially announced by U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
Pentagon documents said the program would be restructured to focus on rogue state and theater missile threats.
The Pentagon said it would eliminate an increase in ground-based interceptors in Alaska but called for more research and development funding to improve defense against long-range rogue threats.
The lion's share of the cuts, which need congressional approval, would come from general missile defense activities. That includes the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system built by Boeing Co, including interceptors that had been planned for Alaska.
The Pentagon said it planned to cut funding in that area to $9.3 billion from $10.92 billion a year earlier.

Funding for the Patriot PAC-3 missile program, a program involving Raytheon Co and Lockheed, was slated to drop sharply to $404.4 million from $1.04 billion a year earlier.

Budget documents showed funding for the Aegis ballistic missile defense system built by Lockheed Martin Corp would increase to $1.86 billion in fiscal 2010, up from $1.17 billion in fiscal 2009.

Funding for the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system, also built by Lockheed, was slated to increase to $1.12 billion in the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1 from $882 million last year.

Ok man hat das PAC3 Budget mehr als halbiert aber nicht gänzlich getötet dafür wird das SM3 und das THAAD gefördert damit kann ich leben da diese Systeme besser sind als PAC3.

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