21.09.2009, 18:00
Zitat:Of Polish Angst and NATO
LISBON — “How could Obama choose such a day?”
That was the anguished outburst of a senior Polish officer attending a meeting of NATO chiefs of defense here when asked what he thought of the U.S. president’s cancellation last week of plans to place missile interceptors in Poland and a radar station in the Czech Republic.
The officer was referring to the fact that the announcement came on Sept. 17, the 70th anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland. A gesture to Russia on this date — a “brave” decision said Vladimir Putin — was the rough equivalent for the Poles of their announcing concessions to a U.S. foe on 9/11.
Ganz netter Artikel. Sehe zwar nicht alles so, ist aber immerhin relativ ausgewogen und blickt zumindest auch stichwortmäßig auf die Frage nach der Zukunft der NATO