19.12.2010, 01:37
Eine gewisse Erklärung das S-500 System betreffend:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://geimint.blogspot.com/search/label/S-500">http://geimint.blogspot.com/search/label/S-500</a><!-- m -->
Ich weiss,ein Blog ist nicht unbedingt die beste Quelle,aber Sean O´Connor schreibt unter anderem für Janes und wie man am Blog sehen kann hat er ein sehr großes wissen über Luftabwehr und gibt Quellen an.
Hier noch eine Erläuterung von SOC in einem Englischen Forum:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?182664-S-500-to-enter-service/page7">http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/sh ... vice/page7</a><!-- m -->
To clear some of thsi S-500/S-1000 stuff up...
"Back in the 80s, there were four big Soviet SAM projects in the works: S-350, S-400, S-500, and S-1000. S-350 was the projected S-300P (SA-10/20) replacement. S-400 was the projected 400-km range S-200 (SA-5) replacement. Those two were combined into the S-400 program very early on. S-500 was originally a mobile ATBM like THAAD, and S-1000 was a very long range SAM intended to target air-breathing ISR platforms. Apparently S-1000 also got absorbed into S-400 at some point, as S-1000 was very similar to the requirement for the original S-400. So you're left with S-400 and S-500. S-500 was off and on for a while due to lack of funding, but in 2007 Defense Minister Ivanov stated that Almaz-Antei would be making a new system capable of anti-missile and anti-space defense. Meaning it's now an ABM and an ASAT. Igor Ashurbeyli of Almaz-Antey later stated that their next project was the S-500, expected to show hardware in 2015 (i.e. test stuff, not service). And, there are indications that the S-500's interceptor missile is based on the 45T6, a pure ABM believed to be the 53T6 (GAZELLE) follow-on, indicating again that it is now meant to be a mobile ABM/ASAT system, along the lines of an up-gunned S-225. S-225 was the mobile ABM developed in the 70s using a missile which became the 53T6 (GAZELLE). Furthermore, Russia claims a capability for the S-500 to engage targets moving at 5km/sec. That, very interestingly, is the cutoff line where systems were classified as ATBM (can hit things slower) or ABM (can hit things moving faster) systems under the old ABM Treaty. RVs tend to slow down a lot at reentry, so if you can track an RV through reentry an S-500 will be able to blast it.
So all of the info basically points to the S-500 being an ABM/ASAT system, with the S-1000 being absorbed a while ago into the S-400 program. "
Also theoretisch könnte ein S-500 in Zukunft auch Wiedereintrittsflugkörper einer gemirvten Trident II abschiessen.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://geimint.blogspot.com/search/label/S-500">http://geimint.blogspot.com/search/label/S-500</a><!-- m -->
Ich weiss,ein Blog ist nicht unbedingt die beste Quelle,aber Sean O´Connor schreibt unter anderem für Janes und wie man am Blog sehen kann hat er ein sehr großes wissen über Luftabwehr und gibt Quellen an.
Hier noch eine Erläuterung von SOC in einem Englischen Forum:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?182664-S-500-to-enter-service/page7">http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/sh ... vice/page7</a><!-- m -->
To clear some of thsi S-500/S-1000 stuff up...
"Back in the 80s, there were four big Soviet SAM projects in the works: S-350, S-400, S-500, and S-1000. S-350 was the projected S-300P (SA-10/20) replacement. S-400 was the projected 400-km range S-200 (SA-5) replacement. Those two were combined into the S-400 program very early on. S-500 was originally a mobile ATBM like THAAD, and S-1000 was a very long range SAM intended to target air-breathing ISR platforms. Apparently S-1000 also got absorbed into S-400 at some point, as S-1000 was very similar to the requirement for the original S-400. So you're left with S-400 and S-500. S-500 was off and on for a while due to lack of funding, but in 2007 Defense Minister Ivanov stated that Almaz-Antei would be making a new system capable of anti-missile and anti-space defense. Meaning it's now an ABM and an ASAT. Igor Ashurbeyli of Almaz-Antey later stated that their next project was the S-500, expected to show hardware in 2015 (i.e. test stuff, not service). And, there are indications that the S-500's interceptor missile is based on the 45T6, a pure ABM believed to be the 53T6 (GAZELLE) follow-on, indicating again that it is now meant to be a mobile ABM/ASAT system, along the lines of an up-gunned S-225. S-225 was the mobile ABM developed in the 70s using a missile which became the 53T6 (GAZELLE). Furthermore, Russia claims a capability for the S-500 to engage targets moving at 5km/sec. That, very interestingly, is the cutoff line where systems were classified as ATBM (can hit things slower) or ABM (can hit things moving faster) systems under the old ABM Treaty. RVs tend to slow down a lot at reentry, so if you can track an RV through reentry an S-500 will be able to blast it.
So all of the info basically points to the S-500 being an ABM/ASAT system, with the S-1000 being absorbed a while ago into the S-400 program. "
Also theoretisch könnte ein S-500 in Zukunft auch Wiedereintrittsflugkörper einer gemirvten Trident II abschiessen.