10.07.2011, 13:24
Passt vielleicht ganz gut hier rein...
Zitat:Israel: Lebanon maritime border proposal contradicts previous agreements<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/israel-lebanon-maritime-border-proposal-contradicts-previous-agreements-1.372467">http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-d ... s-1.372467</a><!-- m -->
Netanyahu says lines declared by Lebanon are further south than those determined in previous deals; Israel to submit coordinates on maritime border with Lebanon to UN after U.S. endorses Lebanese version of where lines should be.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded on Sunday to a recent dispute on Israel’s maritime border with Lebanon, saying at a cabinet meeting that the lines delineated in a Lebanese proposal are significantly further south than those recognized by Israel and determined in previous deals. “The lines declared by Lebanon contradict both the maritime border agreement signed by Israel and Cyprus, as well as the border agreement signed between Lebanon itself and Cyprus,” Netanyahu said at the meeting, adding that Israel is actively working to clarify the border based on international maritime law. [...]
The Lebanese proposal does not include the large Tamar and Leviathan gas prospects, operated by Delek Energy and U.S. company Noble Energy. But the National Infrastructure Ministry found that the proposal contains reserves with a potential value in the billions of dollars. Israel has rejected the possibility of indirect talks via the United Nations to resolve the issue, calling on Lebanon to begin negotiations on all border issues, not just the maritime border. The foreign and infrastructure ministries believe that Lebanon is claiming vast offshore territories that belong to Israel under international law.