21.08.2011, 14:13
Weiterhin bleibt der Sudan/Südsudan ein Unruhegebiet...
Zitat:Many killed in South Sudan tribal clashes<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://english.aljazeera.net/news/africa/2011/08/201182017173399473.html">http://english.aljazeera.net/news/afric ... 99473.html</a><!-- m -->
Murle and Lou Nuer tribes fight over livestock in the state of Jonglei, say UN and government officials.
Nearly 60 members of rival tribes have been killed in disputes over livestock in South Sudan, officials said. Fifty-eight bodies were found in two separate locations and a number of burnt tukuls, or huts, were identified, a United Nations spokesman told Reuters on Saturday. The deaths were believed to be a result of clashes that broke out on Thursday between the Murle and Lou Nuer tribes in the Bier sub-county of the state of Jonglei, according to the UN and South Sudan government officials. [...]
South Sudan's government has accused the north of arming rival tribes and provoking insurgencies to undermine the region and keep control of its oil. Khartoum has denied the charge.