17.11.2011, 22:42
Ein sehr großes Schiff mit einem kleinen Problem...
Zitat:Naval ship faces chronic toilet outages at sea<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/checkpoint-washington/post/naval-ship-faces-chronic-toilet-outages-at-sea/2011/11/15/gIQALCZ3QN_blog.html">http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/che ... _blog.html</a><!-- m -->
The U.S. Navy is confronting any number of strategic challenges as it seeks to rein in costs and cope with an aging fleet of ships and planes.
And, then, on a new ship, there’s the issue of the toilets. The USS George H.W. Bush, built at a cost of $6.2 billion and deployed on its first combat mission only last spring, has experienced chronic plumbing problems for months, with the faltering of its vacuum-based system repeatedly leading to toilet outages. [...]
Last week, the mother of a sailor aboard the Bush, a Norfolk-based carrier, fired off a post on her blog, complaining that the toilet problem had persisted because the vacuum system was malfunctioning. The independent Navy Times picked up on the story, and detailed reports of some sailors searching for upwards of an hour for a functioning toilet, plus some other very unpleasant business. Since then, the Navy has acknowledged the problems but insisted they are being caused primarily by sailors flushing what shouldn’t be flushed: shirts, underwear, eggs, cutlery, among other items.