Weltweite Pandemien / Epidemien / Seuchenausbrüche
Ebola-Ausbruch in Liberias Hauptstadt Monrovia: Abgesehen davon, dass dies ein Ausbruch in der 1-Millionen-Hauptstadt des Landes ist/war, scheint der Erreger aus dem nahen Sierra Leone eingeschleppt worden zu sein, was natürlich die Übertragungsmöglichkeiten dieser Horrorseuche über Grenzen hinweg aufzeigt bzw. was auch die berechtigten Ängste vor einer weiteren Ausbreitung schüren könnte...
Zitat:Seven die in Monrovia Ebola outbreak

The deadly Ebola virus has killed seven people in Liberia's capital, Monrovia, health officials have said.

These are the first deaths reported in the city since the outbreak of the contagious virus in several West African states. Among the dead are a nurse and four people from the same household, including a baby, officials said. [...] A woman who came from Sierra Leone had also died in Monrovia of Ebola, he said. She "infested some people in the household", causing the deaths of the baby and two other people...
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