(See) Europäische Atom-U-Schiffe
Zeit für ein weiteres Armutszeugnis der europäischen Verteidigung.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/574556/Britain-only-one-nuclear-submarine-active-patrol-defects-defence-fleet">http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/574556 ... ence-fleet</a><!-- m -->

Zitat:Don’t tell Moscow: Five of Britain's six nuclear subs held up in the repair shed

Of the Royal Navy’s six hunter-killer and attack boats in service, four are in dock while a fifth has been beset by a series of problems.

The capability gap is revealed just days after Finland had to fire depth charges after reports a Russian submarine had entered its waters. Only the Astute is on active operation.

The first of the new Astute-class submarines, she has been sent back to sea after a short break following her maiden voyage last year......

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