10.11.2015, 23:28
Zitat:Emad: Iran’s New Ballistic Missile Amid The Nuclear Deal – Analysis<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.eurasiareview.com/27102015-emad-irans-new-ballistic-missile-amid-the-nuclear-deal-analysis/">http://www.eurasiareview.com/27102015-e ... -analysis/</a><!-- m -->
By Debalina Ghoshal
Iran recently test-fired the ‘Emad’, a precision-guided medium-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile. The missile has a range of 1700 kms and a payload capacity of 750kgs. Any missile above a 500 kg payload is considered nuclear capable. Emad is liquid-fuelled but with improved accuracy and maneuverable re-entry vehicles for evading enemy defence systems. This improved accuracy is extremely important if Iran is to deliver a conventional payload. The missile is also reported to carry thrusters for course correction. Reports suggest that this missile is an improved version of the liquid-fuelled Shahab missiles.
The maneuverability is achieved by steering warheads that can perform last minute maneuvering even at the terminal phase. According to Iranian Defence Minister Hossein Dehghan, Emad is Iran’s first ever missile that can be guided and controlled until the missile hits the target. The missile’s survivability is enhanced by road mobility with the help of the Transporter Erector Launcher (TELs).
There have been reports that the Iranian Parliament has approved the nuclear deal with the US and that the deal has also been approved of by the Guardian Council of the Constitution. Ever since the deal was finalised in July 2015, Iranian hardliners have been apprehensive of the conventional arms embargo imposed on Iran – which also includes an embargo on the development of ballistic missiles.