Eine Spionagegeschichte, die auch in der aktuellen Spiegel-Print-Version erörtert wurde: Offenbar haben US- und britische Dienste, zumindest sagen dies Snowdon-Dokumente aus, gezielt die israelische Luftwaffe ausgespäht. Dabei haben sie offenbar auch die Technik der Heron TP-Drohne geknackt, was wiederum bei den Deutschen, die u. a. fünf dieser Vögel anschaffen bzw. leasen wollen, einige Verunsicherung ausgelöst hat, ob denn das israelische System sicher sei. Offenbar ist der Deal aber nicht gefährdet.
Zitat:U.S., British spies hacked Israeli air force: reports citing Snowden

The United States and Britain have monitored secret sorties and communications by Israel's air force in a hacking operation dating back to 1998, according to documents attributed to leaks by former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden.

Israel voiced disappointment at the disclosures, which were published on Friday in three media outlets and might further strain relations with Washington after years of feuding over strategies on Iran and the Palestinians. [...] The spy operation, codenamed "Anarchist", was run out of a Cyprus base and targeted other Middle East states too, it said. Its findings were mirrored by stories in Germany's Der Spiegel news magazine and the online publication The Intercept, which lists Snowden confidant Glenn Greenwald among its associates. [...]

Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's security cabinet, sought to play down the potential damage but said lessons would be learned. [...] The Intercept report included what it said were images of armed Israeli drones hacked from onboard cameras' live feeds.

Yedioth said that the hacking revelations could hurt Israeli drone sales to Germany should Berlin worry about the aircraft networks' security. But Steinitz brushed off that possibility. "Every country carries out its own encryption," he said.

Germany said on Jan 12 it would lease Heron TP drones from state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI).
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