13.02.2016, 12:29
Angebliche Nutzung von umgebauten und modifizierten zivilen japanischen Radargeräten und -bauteilen in nordkoreanischen Kriegsschiffen:
Zitat:Japanese radar components used by N Korean navy, U.N. report finds<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.japantoday.com/category/national/view/japanese-radar-components-used-by-n-korean-navy-u-n-report-finds">http://www.japantoday.com/category/nati ... port-finds</a><!-- m -->
North Korea has reconfigured Japanese-made civilian radar systems for use by naval ships as showcased at an anti-ship missile test reported last year, a document compiled by experts investigating U.N. sanctions against the country says. [...] Concerning the Japanese radar systems, the report says, “The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea acquired and adapted commercial antennas for their naval vessels, three of which were seen during the test-firing of an anti-ship missile publicized on Feb 7, 2015.” [...]
Although the unnamed Japanese manufacturer said it had “no records of sale” to the country after June 12, 2009, the panel notes that the systems displayed aboard the missile boats were “off-the-shelf products.” They are widely used around the world in the fishing and leisure craft markets, it adds. [...] This was not the first case of Japanese commercial products being converted for illicit purposes in North Korea. [...]
Japanese technology was also found in North Korean drones, which was also highlighted by the panel in the report. It says the country has around 300 drones and its intelligence service, the Reconnaissance General Bureau, is involved in the procurement and operation of drones for reconnaissance.
The drone that crashed into Baengnyeong island in March 2014, for instance, contained components that were from Japan including a camera that had been sold to a Chinese distributor.