(Asien) Landstreitkräfte Südkoreas
Südkorea beschafft neue Rad-Panzer (8x8):

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/news/2016/06/07/0200000000AEN20160607004300315.html?37c20148">http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/news/20 ... l?37c20148</a><!-- m -->

Zitat:SEOUL, June 7 (Yonhap) -- South Korea has developed a wheeled armored combat vehicle that can greatly enhance the mobility and striking power of its infantry troops, the defense acquisition agency said Tuesday.

The Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA)'s wheeled armored vehicle project, undertaken by defense maker Hyundai Rotem since 2012, has been successfully completed, DAPA said in a statement. It said the locally built vehicle passed its final qualification test on May 9.

The project was aimed at improving the mobility, survivability and hitting power of front line and rear echelon infantry troops as their mission areas have expanded the military's reorganization plan, the agency noted.

Two armored combat vehicles, the K808 and K806, were developed as part of the project. The K808 is designed for speedy troop deployment and reconnaissance missions in front line areas, including mountainous regions, while the K806 is intended for use in mobile strike and reconnaissance missions in the rear.

Voll schwimmfähig bei vergleichsweise hohem Gewicht (Gerüchteweise sind bei der Erprobung deshalb wieder mal ein paar abgesoffen, wie beim K-21 auch):

Zitat:"The new wheeled armored vehicles, equipped with cutting-edge technologies, can move swiftly on the ground as well as cross water obstacles, carry heavy firepower and protect the troops inside that will enormously increase infantry units' operability," the statement also said.

Zitat:The new vehicles could later be adapted to carry 30 millimeter anti-aircraft guns and be used as wheeled combat command centers, DAPA pointed out. The agency said the new armored vehicles may find an export market, since they enjoy a price advantage and are more capable vehicles overall than those currently on the market.

Die Betonung dass es sich nicht um ein IFV mit einer 30mm MK, sondern explizit um 30mm FlaK handelt finde ich recht interessant.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-t4iIwvkTc5s/V1Z-0Pa8BbI/AAAAAAAAX1o/_Mn2n-g5ZV8EuIl6W9M0oYuWPIrsQr2gACLcB/s1600/South_Korea_Defense_Industry_has_developed_two_new_types_of_wheeled_armoured_vehicles_K808_640_001.jpg">https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-t4iIwvkTc5s/ ... 40_001.jpg</a><!-- m -->

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