(Europa) Polnische Luftstreitkräfte
(09.02.2021, 14:20)Quintus Fabius schrieb: https://en.topcor.ru/18461-vojna-proigra...achej.html

Zitat:"The war is lost in 5 days": the exercises of the Polish army "Winter-20" ended in complete failure

The Zima-20 command-staff exercise was held in Poland, but its results were extremely sad for the Polish military. The simulation of military operations even included new weapons systems ordered by Poland, but not yet delivered, such as Patriot air defense systems, MLRS HIMARS and F-35 fighters, writes the Polish portal Onet, citing a number of media outlets in their country.

According to the Polish Internet edition Interia, several thousand officers took part in the exercise. During the simulation, literally everything was taken into account. Even a reformed system of military command and control was used. But the exercises ended not only in complete failure, but in a gigantic disaster. The Polish Armed Forces were defeated in a very short time and ceased to exist.

The war is lost in 5 days

The portal clarified that the fierce defense on the eastern front led to the defeat of military units and huge losses among the military personnel. On the fifth day the enemy reached the Vistula line, but Poland no longer had an army to defend it.

Haben die alleine "gekämpft" oder mit der NATO?
Wobei in 5 Tagen hätten wir wahrscheinlich nichts sinnvolles beitragen können

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
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