07.03.2021, 17:50
Ich habe mit erlaubt, den Strang ein klein wenig umzubennen und eine Zuordnung vorzunehmen. Damit es aber nicht nur dabei bleibt, eine Ergänzung zum Projekt SNLE-3G...
Zitat:France’s New Submarine Will Be Even Quieter Than The Oceanhttps://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/202...the-ocean/
The French Navy's new strategic submarine, SNLE-3G is one of a new breed of Western ballistic missile submarines. Together with the U.S. Navy's Columbia-class and the Royal Navy's Dreadnought it will be particularly stealthy. Its noise levels will be lower than the surrounding ocean making it very hard to detect. Combined with a host of new technologies this should ensure its survivability against future threats. [...]
Full scale development of the new submarine, known as SNLE-3G (Sous-marin nucléaire lanceur d’engins – 3rd generation), was launched by the French Minister for the Armed Forces, Florence Parly, on February 19. The new class, which has not yet received a ship name, will replace the current Le Triomphant-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (SSBN). [...] At first glance the new submarine is similar in size and form to the current Le Triomphant-class. But it is an entirely new design and is actually almost 10 meters (30 ft) longer. The main driver for this increased size is stealth. The machinery space will be longer to incorporate an even quieter machinery. This may have some technologies already found on France’s latest nuclear submarine, the Suffren-class attack submarine. Outwardly these include the X-form rudders and pumpjet propulsor. [...]
Last but not least, asked to comment on the main differences between Le Triomphant-class and SNLE-3G, the Program Officer told Naval News: “One important factor in designing SNLE-3G is the heritage. We take possession of the best of what our elders did, we modernize it and digitize it. SNLE-3G main difference will be its unique processing power and an incremental combat system which will be future proof and batch-upgradable throughout the life of the submarine. Each new batch will learn from the previous batches. This is SYCOBS 3.0, the future combat management system of SNLEG-3G, under development by Naval Group. SNLE3G is being designed to face and survive the future threats likely to emerge after 2035.”