21.02.2004, 19:24
Falls ihr euch bewerben wollt:
Zitat:Surveillance officer job requirements
Able to blend in, average height, build and appearance
Able to remain alert during periods of inactivity
Flexible and able to cope with frequent disruption
Zitat:MI5 expands to meet terror threathttp://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3509869.stm
The home security service MI5 is to expand by 50% in response to the terrorist threat to the UK, the BBC has learned.
The home secretary will announce the move in parliament next week.
At least 1,000 extra people will be recruited, bringing MI5 back to World War II staffing levels.
The agency says it will take several years to find and vet the staff, principally to carry out surveillance and intelligence gathering work.