18.01.2022, 23:44
Zitat:Swedish Security Agency Declares A National Event As Drone Incursions Over Nuclear Sites Grow
Swedish police are also investigating a spate of recent unmanned aircraft sightings over other sensitive sites beyond nuclear power plants.
Police in Sweden have confirmed a new drone sighting near the Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant. This comes a day after the Swedish Security Service announced it was taking over the investigation of a number of earlier reported drone incursions into the airspace near that plant, as well as around two other nuclear facilities elsewhere in the country. You can read more about what is already known about these earlier sightings in The War Zone's initial reporting here.
Those incidents have now collectively been categorized as a "national special event," underscoring the concerns that Swedish authorities have about the intentions of the drones' operators, who remain unknown. They have come amid a spate of additional drone sightings in the country near various sensitive sites, including government buildings and airports.
Citizens in Sweden alerted police after spotting the new object in the air above Forsmark, which is the country's largest single energy-producing facility, earlier today. Law enforcement officials who were dispatched to the scene observed the object themselves and assessed it to be a drone, according to police spokesperson Jonas Eronen. A police helicopter and the nuclear power plant's on-site security force were involved in the response to the sighting, but the drone was not captured and no arrests have been made, Swedish national public television broadcaster SVT reported. The type of helicopter was not specified, but Sweden's national police force's fleet currently consists of Bell 429s.
Nebenbei ist interesannt zu erwähnen das Schweden Panzer auf die strategisch wichtige Ostseeinsel Gotland verlegt hat. Sollte Russland Gotland besetzen wären sie in der Lage den Luftraum über die Ostsee mit einer Stationierung vom S-400 Flugabwehrsystem zu kontrollieren.
Zitat:Militärische Muskelspiele in der Ostsee: Wie Putin Schweden nervös macht
Schweden lässt auf Gotland demonstrativ Panzer auffahren – und setzt damit Russland gegenüber Signale ganz eigener Art.
Stockholm fürchtet, Wladimir Putin wolle nach Gotland greifen, um mit dem russischen S-400-Raketensystem den Luftraum über der kompletten Ostsee zu beherrschen.
Sorgen dieser Art lassen derzeit auch das neutrale Finnland mehr denn je in Richtung Westen driften. Eine Analyse von Matthias Koch.