05.12.2022, 00:07
Zitat:Israeli police accused of ‘executing’ Palestinian in West Bank
Palestinian foreign ministry condemned the killing as an execution meant to escalate spiralling violence in West Bank.
On Twitter, the United Nations Middle East envoy, Tor Wennesland, said he was horrified by the latest killing and the European Union said it was concerned by what appears to be an excessive use of force by Israeli security forces towards Palestinians.
Zitat:West Bank: Two brothers among five Palestinians killed by Israel
Jawad and Dhafr Rimawi were killed during an Israeli raid near Ramallah, while another man was killed near Hebron.
Hundreds of people turned out for the funeral procession before their bodies were taken for burial. In Ramallah, people held a general strike to show solidarity with the latest victims, Al Jazeera’s Bernard Smith reported.
Die tägliche exzessive Gewalt gegen Araber hat nicht nur zu Protesten und dem öffentlichen Verbrennen von israelischen Flaggen am Rande der Weltmeisterschaft in Katar geführt, sondern selbige Proteste überschatten auch den Besuch des Präsidenten beim Marionetten-Regime in Bahrain.
Zitat:Bahrain protesters chant ‘death to Israel’ ahead of Herzog visit
Opposition activists in Gulf state carry signs calling president a ‘criminal,’ warning him to stay away ahead of Sunday arrival
3 December 2022, 2:36 am