(Luft) Iranische Drohnenentwicklungen
Mal einen alten Strang wieder ausgegraben...

Auch wenn sich die Meldung hierin nicht direkt auf die Ukraine bezieht, so dürfte es durchaus interessant sein, angesichts der iranischen Drohnenlieferungen an die Russen, dieses Thema etwas im Auge zu behalten. Gut möglich, dass hier noch das eine oder andere Exemplar über der Ukraine auftaucht (oder in Nahost bzw. entlang des Golfes).
Zitat:New payload seen on Iranian Shahed-129 UAV

At least one of the Shahed-129 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) operated by Iran's Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) has been fitted with a previously unseen sensor, prompting speculation that it is a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) that could significantly improve the force's situational awareness.

The UAV was seen with a new dome mounted midway along the underside of its fuselage in photographs published by the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) on 11 March to show students visiting various IRGC facilities, including an airbase that could be identified as the one on Qeshm island. While the dome could house electronic/signals intelligence antennas, it was about the right size to accommodate the antenna of the SAR displayed next to a Shahed-129 at the IRGC Aerospace Force museum in Tehran since it opened in 2019.


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