18.04.2023, 22:44
SNMG1 in Finnland...
Anm.: Der deutsche Konteradmiral Thorsten Marx ist Befehlshaber der Kampfgruppe an Bord der Fregatte "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern" (F-218).
Zitat:NATO Maritime Group Flies The Flag In Helsinki For The First Time Since Finland Joins The Alliancehttps://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/202...ksFTwxO9tw
On their first port visit to Finland since the country became the thirty-first member of the Alliance, ships from Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1) received a warm welcome as they arrived in the capital Helsinki. [...]
German Navy flagship FGS Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and the NRP Bartolomeu Dias of the Portuguese Navy, visited Helsinki after first exercising at sea with the Finnish Navy. “For many years, troops from Finland and NATO countries have worked side-by-side as partners. Now we stand together as Allies to demonstrate that our common security will remain ironclad. Every exercise, like training with Finnish Navy, sends a strong signal in terms of multinational cooperation,” said Rear Admiral Marx, Commander Task Group SNMG1.
Anm.: Der deutsche Konteradmiral Thorsten Marx ist Befehlshaber der Kampfgruppe an Bord der Fregatte "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern" (F-218).