Grundlagen des verbundenen Kampfes
In diesem Bereich schätze ich die französische und insbesondere die japanische Perspektive bzw. Ansicht außerordentlich. Leider gibt es so wenig dazu in nicht-französischer Sprache ! Umso wertvoller hier mehr dazu zu erfahren.

In diesem Kontext:


Some critics like Goya have suggested that Schill’s vision — confirmed by the Military Programming Law — meant that France in the end was not serious about high-intensity warfare. Philippe Chapleau similarly remarked that even with the big budget increases, the French military was doing little more than rebuilding but fundamentally would remain what it was. A fairer assessment might be that France assumes that a true mass military is beyond its reach political and fiscally, so the best it can to is to attempt to optimize the force it has, which is designed for maneuver rather than raw power.

Would this be good enough? Part of the answer, at least for the French leadership, is to fall back on the older view that nuclear weapons obviate the need for a mass army intended to take on a peer like Russia. Indeed, the new Military Programming Law emphasizes the critical place of nuclear deterrence in French strategic thinking. France also presumes, still, that in such a fight it would not be alone, hence Macron’s insistence on a broader European defense effort in parallel with earnest commitment to NATO integration. The hope is that European militaries combined could offer the kind of mass necessary for conventional warfare.

France, it seems, is staying the course. This means it will have a top-tier high-end military that would be able to dance around Russian forces and presumably cut them to pieces, but not for long. What happens then will most likely depend on the United States and the rest of NATO, and the question of whether nuclear deterrence will prove its worth.


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Nachrichten in diesem Thema
RE: Grundlagen des verbundenen Kampfes - von Quintus Fabius - 29.04.2023, 14:08

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