Narkotraffic und Organisierte Kriminalität in Frankreich
Und wieder ein Erfolg.

Dennoch bleibt irgendwie das diffuse Bauchgefühl, dass diese Erfolge nur die Spitze des Eisberges sind...
Zitat:Drugs worth $108m seized by French warship in Indian Ocean

Drugs, including heroin and methamphetamine valued at $108m, were seized in the Indian Ocean by a French warship operating with CTF 150.

Announced 24 May, a French warship made significant strides in the fight against illegal drug trafficking, with the seizure of illegal drugs valued at $108m, while operating in the Indian Ocean between 19 April and 18 May, as part of Combined Task Force (CTF) 150.

The warship seize illegal drugs from four fishing vessels, confiscating 2,265kg of heroin and 242kg of methamphetamine during its routine patrol of regional waters.

The maritime forces of CTF 150 have seized illegal drugs with an estimated value of $203m in 2023, adding to record-breaking drug interdictions made by US and international naval units in 2021 and 2022, summing to a total greater than $1bn in value.


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