25.07.2023, 10:27
Zitat:Reasonableness bill passes 64-0 after compromise falls at last minuteSo wie ich das verstehe, hat die Opposition gar nicht abgestimmt...
Am meisten nervt mich ja dabei, dass diese hasserfüllten Unken mit ihren Pappschildern und Rauschebärten, die Israels Demokratie immer mal gerne den Abstieg in eine Theokratie und in den Rassismus unterstellten bzw. an den Hals wünschten, nur damit sie sich selbst beweihräuchern konnten, am Ende doch richtig gelegen haben könnten. Und doppelt bitter daran ist, dass es ausgerechnet radikale Gruppen im Land selbst sind - die nichts, aber auch gar nichts für das Land beitragen -, die diesen Abstieg eingeleitet haben.
Die Streitkräfte scheinen eine klare Meinung zu haben (die auch meine ist) - und auch der Mossad bringt eine recht eindeutige Meinung zum Ausdruck:
Zitat:The IDF is facing a moment of truth amid reservists' threatshttps://www.ynetnews.com/article/rjekx1pcn
After thousands said they would refuse to serve what they call a non-democratic regime, military braces for departures that could affect readiness for war; chief of Staff tells PM abuse by coalition members must end. [...]
Officials in the military said on Tuesday that they hope that the threat to refuse to serve made by volunteers in the Air Force and other elite IDF units, would not be carried out after the Knesset passed a bill to curb the power of the Supreme Court although at least 500 of them already notified their commanders, dozens in the hours after the vote. Thousands of pilots and officers said they would not serve a non-democratic regime.
According to officials, the military will have no more than a number of weeks, before the effects of the reservists' absence is felt while Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and senior commanders in the IDF hoped for a change of heart from those who fill critical military rolls. [...]
Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi in his meeting with the prime minister, said members of the coalition should stop disparaging pilots, as they have been doing, while there has been no pushback from political leaders and as the social discord increased, including when ministers shared an inciting video clip online depicting Air Force pilots abandoning troops on the ground who were under fire. The clip which was shared by National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Culture and Sports Minister Miki Zohar caused outrage and prompted an outcry from families of fallen IDF soldiers. [...]
On Monday, Mossad Chief David Barnea told senior officials of the organization that he would be on the right side of history should a constitutional crisis emerge in the wake of the legislation. The Supreme Court will be required to rule on the validity of the reasonability law, the first in the coalition's judicial overhaul, which passed in a 64 to 0 vote after the opposition refused to participate