10.12.2023, 10:53
Zitat:Nach Gallant kündigt auch der Vorsitzende des Nationalen Sicherheitsrats eine Ausweitung der Operationen gegen die Hisbollah an...Es scheint nicht nur die Hisbollah ins Visier zu geraten, sondern man hat offenkundig auch dieses dubiose Treiben im Jemen ins Auge gefasst. Wobei sicherlich die Distanz hier einen direkten Bodeneinsatz ausschließt.
Zitat:Israel ready to act against Houthi rebels if international community fails to, national security adviser sayshttps://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/09/middl...g-intl-hnk
CNN - Israel is prepared to act against efforts by Houthi rebels in Yemen to disrupt shipping in the Red Sea if the international community fails to do so, Israeli National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi said Saturday.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had spoken with US President Joe Biden as well as European leaders about Houthis targeting merchant ships with alleged Israeli links, Hanegbi told Israel’s Channel 12. “Israel is giving the world some time to organize in order to prevent this but if there isn’t to be a global arrangement, because it is a global issue, we will act in order to remove this naval siege,” Hanegbi said. [...] There has been an uptick in their maritime activities since Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7.
Zu den bisherigen israelischen Verlusten:
Zitat:Israeli Army Releases Names of Four Additional Soldiers Killed in Gaza Combathttps://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023...fff2930000
The IDF released the names of the four fallen soldiers - all reservists. According to the Israeli army, 420 soldiers have been killed since October 7.
The Israel Defense Forces released on Friday the names of four soldiers killed in combat in the Gaza Strip over the previous 24-hour period. All four are reservists who were called up for duty following Hamas' deadly attack in southern Israel on October 7.
Wobei man dazu sagen muss, dass von diesen 420 getöteten Soldaten "nur" ca. um die 100 bislang in Gaza direkt umkamen. Wenn man sich anschaut, wie weit die Israelis bislang vorankamen und wie unübersichtlich dieses urbane Gebiet ist, wo man bereits seit etwa sechs Wochen kämpft, so ist diese Anzahl an Gefallenen vergleichsweise gering.