17.12.2023, 17:42
Zitat:TEI Starts TS-1400 Turboshaft Engine Serial Production
2 min read
43 minutes ago
TEI Starts TS-1400 Turboshaft Engine Serial Production
TEI prepares for TS-1400 turboshaft engine serial production for helicopters. TEI CEO Mahmut F. Akşit has announced the development.
TUSAŞ Engine Industry Inc. (TEI) CEO Mahmut F. Akşit stated the initiation of serial production for the TS-1400 engine, marking a pivotal moment in military technological advancement. In an interview with Anadolu News Agency, Akşit shared insights gained from the initial flight of the TEI-TS1400 turboshaft engine in collaboration with the GÖKBEY helicopter.
The post-flight examination has propelled TEI into the serial production phase, with raw material orders already underway. Akşit emphasized the pace, noting that continuous, mass-produced engines typically take 2-3 years for delivery, considering raw material supply and processing time.