05.01.2024, 11:06
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Zitat:Ist das jetzt eine Theorie von Dir oder ein Fakt?Einerseits eine Vermutung von mir. Andererseits haben die VAE aber auch gesagt, dass sie den Sanktionen nicht im Wege stehen werden (ohne selbst welche auszusprechen oder konkret zu werden).
Vielleicht dazu:
Zitat:UAE Tightens Scrutiny on Russian Firms Amid Pressure From US [...]https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/...re-from-us
US is pushing to close channels used to evade sanctions. [...] Russian firms face stricter banking rules, more documentation [...]
Russian firms based in the United Arab Emirates are coming under greater scrutiny from local banks as the Gulf state faces increased US pressure to tackle sanctions evasion and ramps up efforts to get off a global organization’s watch list. The UAE attracted a flood of Russian money in the first year after President Vladimir Putin ordered troops into Ukraine, with firms finding banking quick and easy to navigate. That process has gradually grown more arduous, with rejections increasingly common, because the UAE is showing less appetite for sanctions-related risk and pushing to get off the so-called gray list, according to more than half a dozen business owners and consultants interviewed by Bloomberg, who asked not to be identified as such information isn’t public.