15.08.2024, 21:47
Hisar O hat ein Upgrade erhalten, die Reichweite der neuen Variante beträgt statt 25 + km, 40 km. Neue RF und IIR Suchköpfe sind auch Bestandteil des Upgrades und die Fähigkeit zwei verschiedene Raketentypen pro Werfer zu benutzen.
Ein Video vom Test der neuen Hisar O Variante.
Zitat:HİSAR-O 100 Air Defence System Gets a Range Upgrade
15 Aug 2024, 02:46 2 mins
Weapon / Missile Sensors
HİSAR-O 100 Air Defence System Gets a Range Upgrade
ASELSAN CEO Ahmet Akyol has announced a series of upgrades on the HİSAR-O 100 medium-range air defence system on his X account. Akyol has listed the upgrades on performance, communication, and electronics as:
• 40+ km interception range (Formerly 25+ km)
• Extended radar range
• Improved RF and IIR seekers for the missiles
• Capability to use two different missiles on one launcher at the same time
• New generation ad hoc communication system
When the firing test of the upgraded HİSAR-O 100 is inspected, there seems to be no change in the size of the missiles, suggesting that an improvement has been made on the rocket engine. The range improvements will likely be seen on the HİSAR-D RF naval air defence missile, the SİPER Block 1 long-range missile and the short-range HİSAR-A missile. The first two missiles are already based on the HİSAR-O RF missile while the last has a similar propulsion section.
Ein Video vom Test der neuen Hisar O Variante.