21.09.2024, 10:21
Ein paar Randnotizen und abweichende Ansichten:
In Auszügen (das folgende ist nicht der vollständige Artikel)
Das Hauptproblem ist, dass die allermeisten Israelis der felsenfesten Ansicht sind, es gäbe keinerlei anderen Weg, und dass sie zugleich glauben, Israel könnte unbegrenzt so weiter existieren.
Israel wird aber spätestens langfristig exakt deshalb nicht überleben.
Zitat:Israel Is Recruiting African Asylum Seekers for Life-threatening Gaza War Operations, Promising Permanent Legal Status
Israeli security officials are offering the incentive of permanent residency status to asylum seekers who agree to participate in sometimes life-threatening military operations in Gaza. Sources say that internal criticism of this exploitation has been silenced.
Zitat:Israelis Should Watch the Footage From Lebanon With Repulsion and Fear, Not Glee
This week's synchronized pager explosions that killed tens of Hezbollah operatives and wounded thousands more terrorized everyone in Lebanon. Israelis need to be asking: what has this accomplished, and what will be the cost?
In Auszügen (das folgende ist nicht der vollständige Artikel)
Zitat:Israelis Must Ask Themselves if They're Willing to Live in a Country That Lives on Blood
This is the time that all Israelis should ask themselves if they are willing to live in a country that lives on blood. Just don't say that there is no choice – of course there is – but first we must ask whether we are even prepared to live like this.
Are we, the Israelis, willing to live in the only country in the world whose existence is based on blood? The only vision that is widespread in Israel now is to live from one war to another war, from one bloodletting to the next, from massacre to massacre, with intervals spaced as widely as possible.
No other vision is on the table. Hopeful people promise long intervals, while the right promises a permanent blood-soaked reality: war, mass killing, systematic violation of international law, a pariah state, repeating in an endless cycle.
Without bloodshed, we are told, we have no existence – and we make our peace with this horrific statement. We not only believe that such a country can exist forever, we are convinced that without the blood offering, it has no existence. Every three years, a bloodletting in Gaza, every four years, in Lebanon. In between, there is the West Bank, and, occasionally, a blood sortie to additional targets. There is no other country like it in the world.
The media tries to sell us that this is a necessity. Through campaigns that demonize and dehumanize the Palestinians, a unified and monstrous chorus of commentators is successfully selling us the idea that we can live for eternity on blood. "We will mow the grass" in Gaza every two years – we will execute generation after generation of young regime opponents, imprison tens of thousands of people in concentration camps, we will expel, cull, expropriate and, of course, kill, and that is how we will live.
Israel has never seriously tried another way. The fact is that no other possibility has been raised for discussion. When we realize this, we will begin looking for the alternatives, if only for lack of any other option. They are there, and they are waiting for a test drive. They may surprise us, but in the present reality, it is impossible even to suggest them.
Das Hauptproblem ist, dass die allermeisten Israelis der felsenfesten Ansicht sind, es gäbe keinerlei anderen Weg, und dass sie zugleich glauben, Israel könnte unbegrenzt so weiter existieren.
Israel wird aber spätestens langfristig exakt deshalb nicht überleben.