06.04.2004, 16:17
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.canada.com/calgary/calgaryherald/news/story.html?id=8f1724b4-feca-4ff4-b6e7-5b15d77ba8ad">http://www.canada.com/calgary/calgaryhe ... 15d77ba8ad</a><!-- m -->
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.owl-online.de/news/schlagzeilen/iptc-hfk-20040406-11-dpa_6006074.html">http://www.owl-online.de/news/schlagzei ... 06074.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:U.S. inquiry into oil-for-food hits UN snag.
Kickbacks, scandals plagued Iraq program
Steven Edwards
April 6, 2004
A dispute is brewing between the United States Congress and the United Nations as the world body hesitates about the level of co-operation it will give U.S. legislators probing the UN's scandal-plagued oil-for-food program in Iraq.
U.S. Senate hearings are scheduled for Wednesday, and the U.S. House of Representatives plans to launch its probe April 21, but UN officials say neither should count on unfettered access to UN documents and personnel.
The hearings aim to investigate charges emerging from Iraqi documents that some 270 government and UN officials, business leaders and companies took kickbacks as Saddam Hussein skimmed as much as $10.1 billion US from the $47-billion program.
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Zitat:Fergus Falls, Minnesota Monday, April 05, 2004:daumen:
OTC Republicans want Bush, ban on gay marriage, U.N. withdrawal
By Forrest Adams
Otter Tail County Republicans stood in support of President Bush, listening to speakers and engaging each other in spirited debates over Otter Tail County Republican resolutions -- such as one to withdrw from the United Nations -- ideas they want to see incorporated into the state Republican platform. The event was Saturday at the Bigwood Event Center of Fergus Falls.
Another was that OTC Republicans support the elimination of class and permit fees for carrying a concealed pistol, while perhaps the most surprising proposals that were accepted called for the USA to withdraw from the UN and make efforts to expose and defeat UN agenda 21
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Zitat:Schäuble gegen ständigen Sitz Deutschlands im UN-Sicherheitsrat
Berlin - Der Wunsch von Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder nach einem ständigen Sitz Deutschlands im UN-Sicherheitsrat ist in der Union auf Kritik gestoßen. Ihr Fraktionsvize Wolfgang Schäuble sagte der "Berliner Zeitung", er empfinde diese Forderung als Ausdruck alten Denkens. Die US-Regierung hatte sich kürzlich sehr zurückhaltend zu Schröders Vorstoß geäußert. Im vergangenen Jahr hatte UN-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan ein Expertengremium beauftragt, Vorschläge zur Reform der Weltorganisation zu entwickeln.