United Nations
Zitat:bastian postete
Aus welchen UN Einsatz sollen die USA denn ihre Truppen abziehen?
Balkan, naja soviele Amis sind da nicht mehr.
Und in Afghanistan schneiden sie sich ins eigene Fleisch, auch wenn das eigentlich kein UNO Einsatz ist.
Och ab Juni/Juli sollen die Amis unter UN Aegide wieder in Haiti Polizei spielen. Und diverse Un einsaetze muessen ja des oefteren ihr Mandat erneuern lassen. Die erste Imunitaet hat man ja dadurch bekommen indem man mit einem Veto bezueglich der Verlaengerung des Balkaneinsatzes drohte Big Grin

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Zitat:Americans Against United Nations
The AAUN has officially launched its campaign for the repeal of the United Nations Participation Act. An online petition is available for concerned Americans to sign. The AAUN hopes to submit 60 million signatures to Congress in support of repealing this Act.

(PRWEB) May 14, 2004--The AAUN, Americans Against United Nations, is a non-profit organization representing Americans concerned about the dangers of US involvement with the United Nations.

David Broom and Richard Rozell, Chairman of AAUN, believes the United Nations is a threat to the sovereignty of the United States. David Broom, quoting the Honorable Ron Paul of Texas, states, “…the threat arises from the United Nation's Charter which, from the beginning, was a threat to sovereignty protections in the U.S. Constitution. The American people have not, however, approved of the Charter of the United Nations which, by its nature, cannot be the supreme law of the land for it was never `made under the Authority of the U.S.,' as required by Article VI of the Constitution of the United States.”
Soviel zur steigenden Akzeptanz der UN bei den Amis *g*

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Zitat:The United Nations: A failed Organization

Commentary by Rachel Neuwrith
May 17, 2004
In countless ways, over many years, the U.N. has proven itself to be a largely criminal and discredited organization that can no longer claim to have any moral standing. Very few of its 191 members can be counted upon to put principle ahead of crass expediency.
Mass murder of millions has gone on for years in many places with little response at all from the U.N. There has also been a U.N. failure to hold violators of human rights responsible and to oppose rogue states seeking the acquisition of weapons of mass murder. The overriding self-interests of dictatorships, police states, anti-Western, anti-democratic, and Arab/Islamic-driven theocratic continue day in and day out to paralyze any possibility that the U.N. could ever encourage true justice.
In addition, it was recently revealed how Saddam Hussein figuratively ‘'bought’' the U.N. under the U.N.’s 1995 Oil for Food Program. He was allowed to illegally divert 10% of all transactions to himself and to various collaborating governments including France, Germany, and Russia. Also dipping his fingers into that ''oily tithe'' was none other than Kofi Annan's own son, one of those on the ''Oil for Food'' monitoring agency.

Entirely legally, the U.N. itself received a ''commission'' on all ''Oil for Food'' transactions. This became a major revenue source for the U.N. giving it a substantial vested interest in continuation of Saddam's regime, under lucrative (for the U.N.) sanctions.
It is time to put the old slogan into effect: ''Get the U.S. out of the U.N., and the U.N. out of the U.S.''

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