(See) Zukünftige Waffensysteme der dt. Marine
Ein paar nähere Fakten zu Netfire und den bisher geplanten Raketen LAM und PAM:

Zitat:NetFires is a technology demonstration program focused on beyond line-of-sight fires for the Army's Future Combat System. The program is DARPA managed using combined DARPA-Army S&T funding. Proof of principle test flights are scheduled to begin in FY03.
The programs technology demonstration elements include: container launch unit (CLU); loitering attack missile (LAM); and precision attack missile (PAM).

• CLU features:
• Vehicle independent design - HMMWV payload, flat rack, or
• unattended
• 15 missiles in 4x4 reloadable rack
• Vertical launch technology with missiles in sealed canisters
• Networks with missiles and maneuver/control elements

• LAM, an expendable loitering hunter-killer, features:
• 7-inch diameter 100 lb class
• Large area search capability using a LADAR seeker with
• automatic target recognition (ATR)
• 45 minute cruise with micro turbojet engine
• Networks with CLU and maneuver/control elements for•
• redirect, target acquisition, down-linked images

• PAM, a low-cost direct attack missile, features:
• 7-inch diameter 100 lb class
• Wide range support (0.5-50 km)
• Variable thrust solid rocket motor
• Dual-mode precision end game seeker
• Large multi-mode warhead
• Networks with target acquisition element for target handoff
Quelle ist Lockheed Martin, und nicht verwirren lassen von dem Begriff "technology demonstration program", auf anderen Seiten hat Lockheed Martin bereits bekannt gegeben an welchen Standorten das System produziert werden soll.

Gruß NoBrain

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