Die besten Transportmaschinen der Welt
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Zitat:Return of the AN-124-100

RUSSIA and Ukraine are understood to have agreed to resume production of the AN-124-100, considered the largest transport plane ever built, at Aviastar-SP, the Ulyanovsk-based aviation plant.

The AN-124-100 plane was designed in the late 1970s and took off on its maiden flight in 1982. Subsequently its production was suspended due to various reasons including the collapse of the erstwhile Soviet Union.

Till date Volga-Dnepr Group remains the world's largest operator of the plane. The Group, along with ANTK Antonov and others, is likely to be involved in the relaunch programme.

The business plan for the project will be finalised by end November for consideration at the next inter-state meeting due to be held between the two countries in December, according to Schednet news.

An expert estimate suggests that the world demand for the plane has increased by 15-20 per cent in the past few years.
Ist doch nett, könnte die Bundeswehr für wenig Geld ihre Transportkapazität parallel zum A400M ausbauen. Das ständige Leasen kann doch auch nicht wirklich billig sein Big Grin

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