21.11.2004, 10:03
Zitat:Production of ASPIS II electronic warfare suite startedQuelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.f-16.net/f-16_news_article889.html">http://www.f-16.net/f-16_news_article889.html</a><!-- m -->
Monday, October 27, 2003 - 10:35 PM
Raytheon has received an initial payment of $64.6 million from the Hellenic Ministry of National Defense to begin production of the "Advanced Self-Protection Integrated Suite" of electronic warfare equipment for the Hellenic Air Force (HAF) Block 52+ F-16 aircraft fleet.
The program, dubbed "ASPIS II," is a new, enhanced version of the original ASPIS system delivered in the late 1990s for the HAF Block 30/50 F-16s. The full contract award of $242 million was announced in April.
The ASPIS II contract calls for a total of 60 complete integrated electronic warfare suites, consisting of the ALR-93(V) threat warning system, ALQ-187 jammer, and ALE-47 chaff/flare dispenser. Each of the new suites incorporates advanced signal processing including a digital radio frequency (RF) memory capability. In addition to the 60 new F-16 Block 52+ ASPIS II suites, the contract calls for another 29 ALQ-187 jammers to equip existing HAF Block 30/50 F-16 aircraft, as well as an upgrade program to enhance current ASPIS jammers with digital RF memory capability. Upon completion of the contract, including capabilities provided as offset benefits, the entire fleet of HAF F-16 aircraft will be equipped with ASPIS II capabilities
Ist zwar eine alte Meldung, aber trotzdem interessant.
PS: Mich würde mal interessieren ob Griechenland für das ASPIS-II Programm Know-How Transfer erhält. Nach dem was ich lese werden die Systeme zwar in Griechenland gefertigt, aber ich hab nichts finden können wo erwähnt wird das Griechenland Know-How Transfer bekommt.
Weiss jemand mehr dazu ?