30.12.2004, 13:11
Zitat:Der Iran hat auch meines Wissens nach kein Übungsgelände wo verschiedene Arten des Waffentrainigs geübt und geprobt werden können.Der Iran hatte auch schon nach der Revolution Manöver gehalten und macht auch jedes Jahr ein Wargame , wo Kampfflugzeuge gegen einander antreten.
Die Ersatzteile für die Kampfflugzeuge werden im Iran selbst hergestellt.
Ich erinnere nur mal an das Jahr 1984 (wo Iran also weit weg von der heutigen Eigenproduktion lag ,also fast gar nichts selbst produzierte) , wo iranische Ingenieure 25 F 14 zum Fliegen gebracht haben.
Und HEUTE wo der Iran in Sachen Rüstungsproduktion in der Islamischen WElt jedes Land bei weitem übertrifft , soll er es nicht hinbekommen Ersatzteile zu bauen?
Ist zwar vom WAFF , kilngt aber durchaus realitätsnah:
Zitat:Iranian Indigenous Projects:
1.) Azarakhsh (Strike fighter)- An enlarged F-5F with shoulder mounted air-intakes similar to those on the F-4. It has a medium range Iranian built radar and can fly at Mach 2. By 2001, Iran had 6 Azarakhsh aircraft and the plan was to have 30 over the next three years. Thus by now all 30 were probably delivered. The Azarakhsh-2 has entered production, but its details are not known except that is substantially different from the Azarakhsh.
2.) Sa'eqeh-80 (Owaz?) (Interceptor fighter)- This is not to be confused with the Sa'eqeh shown in July. It is a medium size interceptor with features from both the YF-17 and F-14 and is a unique aircraft not resembling any other in the world. It has yet to be seen in public but there are two known prototypes ready for productions that have been flight-testing since 2001. It is cited as Iran most advanced project.
3.) Sa'eqeh (Fighter)- Seen in July, it is an F-5E with twin tail fins, improved radar, greater thrust, fly-by-wire controls, etc. The status of this project and its relations to the Azarakhsh-2 is unknown. Might be an upgrade??
4.) Shafaq (three variants- one seat fighter, dual seat attacker, and dual seat combat capable trainer)- Once thought to be subsonic the Shafaq is now known to be supersonic with a substantially long range due to its enormous fuel capacity. It has reduced radar cross-section and is made of radar-absorbing material. It also has a large leading edge root extension (LERX) and utilizes multifunctional LCD displays along with HOTAS controls. It is believed that it uses a single rd-33 but it is not confirmed. The first prototype was scheduled for 2008 but Iran announced that the prototype is ready for flight-testing already.
Some (there is more) Iranian upgrades on foreign aircraft:
1.) F-14A-
-Increased the AWG-9's range
-Integrated the R-73 AAM and various air-to-ground weapons with the aircraft
-Manufacturing upgraded AIM-54A Phoenix long-range air-air missiles
2.) F-4D/E-
-Upgraded the APQ-120 Radar by improving it's range (almost doubled)
-Adding Automatic Targeting and Moving Target Indication (MTI) capabilities
-Modified the F-4s to carry and fire the Kh-58 anti-radiation missile with its associated targeting pod as well as R-73 and PL-7 short-range air-to-air missiles
3.) F-5E-
-Upgraded the Tigers under the ''Offogh-project'', which improved the range of the F-5E APQ-159 radar and enabling the aircraft to carry advanced missiles like the PL7, AIM-9P Sidewinders, and R-60 Aphids
4.) MiG-29A/UB-
-Modified avionics and western AAM integration
-Equipped the aircraft with indigenously-developed 99-lmp gallon (450-litre) external fuel tanks under project "Khorsid"
-Given in-flight refueling capability
5.) Su-24MK-
-Given in-flight refueling capability
-Modified to carry the Upaz-A buddy refueling system to extend the range of other aircraft
-Active radar jammers and electronic countermeasures installed.
ETC. (Including helicopter, AEW/AWACS, and transport projects both new designs, new builds, and upgrades)
American aircraft as if 2001 (from ACIG):
F-14A- 58 aircraft, 29 in serivce with rest in reserve
F-4D/E- 79 aircraft, 51 in service with rest in reserve
F-5E- 66 aircraft, 51 in service with rest in reserve
Other aircraft:
MiG-29A/UB- 35 aircraft, all in service
F-7N- 34 aircraft, all in service
Su-22M2/Su-20- around 30 aircraft in storage
Su-24MK- 34 aircraft, all in service
Su-25K- 12 aircraft, all in service under IRGC
Su-25UBK (combat capable)- 32 aircraft, all in service under IRGC
F-1EQ- 22 aircraft, all in service
>>>>>>>*Also according to ACIG Iran has purchased 24 new built MiG-29SMTs during the summer and possibily purchased Su-27SK.<<<<<<<<<<<<<