Hubschrauber und Flugzeuge der US Army
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Zitat:U.S. Army Sees More Work on Modernizing Aircraft

ARLINGTON, Va., Jan 6 (Reuters) - U.S. Army helicopters, unmanned planes and other aircraft are performing well in Iraq and Afghanistan, but top Army leaders on Thursday said more work remains in an aggressive drive to modernize the fleet.

Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Schloesser, who heads the Army Aviation Task Force, said its No. 1 priority was adding weapons and equipment to protect aircraft from rocket-propelled grenades and other guerrilla attacks.

At the same time, Schloesser said the Army was hurrying to replace older aircraft with new armed reconnaissance, light utility and heavy-lift cargo helicopters.

"We have underfunded our programs in many cases ... for decades," Schloesser said, noting that cancellation of the $14.6 billion Comanche helicopter had freed up funds to pay for more Apache AH-64 helicopters and other programs.

For instance, the Army worked with Lockheed Martin Corp. to develop a new type of blast fragmentation Hellfire II missile that would be more effective in the urban battlefields of Iraq. Hellfire missiles were initially developed to hit tanks, but would pass through concrete block buildings in Iraq without exploding, because they did not contain metal reinforcements.

Army helicopters successfully used the new Hellfire missiles just last week to kill 20 Iraqi insurgents, Schloesser told an Association of the U.S. Army conference.
Wir hatten Diskussion schon mal im Commachethread.
Aus denn frei gewordenen Miitteln wird einiges neu in die Hubschrauberflotte der Army investiert.
Dazu gehören mehr AH-64 D,ein neuer Aufklärugshubschrauber als Ersatz für die Kiowas sowie neue Transporthubschrauber CH-47.

edit by Turin: Hab mal den Titel geändert, da wir genausogut auch Flugzeuge hier näher besprechen können, ohne dass extra ein Thread notwendig wäre.

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