03.10.2005, 17:03
warum grab ich eigentlich immer die alten threads wieder aus? von <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htairfo/articles/20051003.aspx">http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htairf ... 51003.aspx</a><!-- m -->
f-22: 10,1 : 1
ef-2000: 4,5 : 1
dassault rafale: 1 : 1 usw.
Zitat:With the F-22 entering service, there is still a lot of debate over whether the aircraft is worth the cost (about $400 million each.) Five years ago, the British Defence Evaluation and Research Agency did a rather extensive, and still largely classified, study using pilots flying aircraft simulators tuned to represent the characteristics of various aircraft. The benchmark was how many Su-35s (the advanced Russian warplane, based on the Su-27, then in development) that would be lost for each friendly aircraft. [...] These results depend a lot on the quality of radars and missiles and, in the case of the F-22, the effectiveness of stealth technology. [...]die ergebnisse (verlorene eigene flugzeuge : verlorene su-27/-30)
f-22: 10,1 : 1
ef-2000: 4,5 : 1
dassault rafale: 1 : 1 usw.