08.04.2007, 22:54
A dangerous game in Russia's backyard
Nur um noch einmal daran zu erinnern, warum die russische Regierung so verschnupft reagiert.
Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or, what happens when Cowboys don’t shoot straight like they used to…
So nun noch einen Link auf den angesprochenen Artikel von Lieber und Press.
The Rise of U.S. Nuclear Primacy
Es geht also nicht nur um Verteidigung sondern um mehr. Mit einem funktionstüchtigen Abwehrschild hofft man Kernwaffen im allgemeinen Kriegsgeschehn nutzbar zu machen. Je besser der Schild ist, desto weniger braucht man einen Gegenschlag fürchten und desto eher wird man bereit sein Kernwaffen einzusetzen.
Zitat:(...) The Kremlin has already made it clear that it is "not buying" US assurances on the missile defense. "We were once told that NATO will not be expanded and no military infrastructure would be deployed in Eastern Europe. The time for talking is gone and we want to make decisions on how to ensure our security based on real facts," Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in a recent interview with the television network TVTs. (...)
Nur um noch einmal daran zu erinnern, warum die russische Regierung so verschnupft reagiert.
Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or, what happens when Cowboys don’t shoot straight like they used to…
Zitat:(...) Were the United States able to effectively shield itself from a potential Russian response to a US nuclear First Strike, the US would be able simply to dictate to the entire world on its terms, not only to Russia. That would be what military people term Nuclear Primacy. That is the real meaning of Putin’s unusual speech. He isn’t paranoid. He’s being starkly realistic.
Since the end of the Cold War in 1989, it’s now clear that the US Government has never for a moment stopped its pursuit of Nuclear Primacy. For Washington and the US elites, the Cold War never ended. They just forgot to tell us all.
Kier Lieber and Daryl Press, two US military analysts, writing in the influential Foreign Affairs of the New York Council on Foreign Relations in March 2006, noted, ‘If the United States’ nuclear modernization were really aimed at rogue states or terrorists, the country’s nuclear force would not need the additional thousand ground-burst warheads it will gain from the W-76 modernization program. The current and future US nuclear force, in other words, seems designed to carry out a pre-emptive disarming strike against Russia or China.’ (...)
So nun noch einen Link auf den angesprochenen Artikel von Lieber und Press.
The Rise of U.S. Nuclear Primacy
Zitat:Summary: For four decades, relations among the major nuclear powers have been shaped by their common vulnerability, a condition known as mutual assured destruction. But with the U.S. arsenal growing rapidly while Russia's decays and China's stays small, the era of MAD is ending -- and the era of U.S. nuclear primacy has begun. (...)
Es geht also nicht nur um Verteidigung sondern um mehr. Mit einem funktionstüchtigen Abwehrschild hofft man Kernwaffen im allgemeinen Kriegsgeschehn nutzbar zu machen. Je besser der Schild ist, desto weniger braucht man einen Gegenschlag fürchten und desto eher wird man bereit sein Kernwaffen einzusetzen.