(Zweiter Weltkrieg) D-day
Zitat:Grund warum es am strand von omaha beach so viel probleme gab:
die deutsche 352. Infanteriedivision führte da eine Übung durch am strand am tage des d-day, auch verdeckten Wolkenfelder die deutschen Stellungen teilweise, weshalb manche stellungen um einige kilometer verfehlt wurden
Des weiteren konnten an Omaha die Tanks nicht gelandet werden, bzw. verspätet. Übrigens der Bruder des US-Präsidenten kam mit der ersten Welle, er war General und starb später in Frankreich, an welchem Strand er ankam weiß Ich momentan aber nicht.

Zitat:The airborne troops were its vanguard, and their landings were a heartening success. The American 82nd and 101st airborne divisions, dropping into a deliberately inundated zone at the base of the Cotentin Peninsula, suffered many casualties by drowning but nevertheless secured their objective. The British 6th Airborne Division seized its unflooded objectives at the eastern end more easily, and its special task force also captured key bridges over the Caen Canal and Orne River. When the seaborne units began to land about 6:30 AM on June 6, the British and Canadians on Gold, Juno, and Sword beaches overcame light opposition. So did the Americans at Utah. The American 1st Division at Omaha Beach, however, confronted the best of the German coast divisions, the 352nd, and was roughly handled. During the morning, its landing threatened to fail. Only dedicated local leadership eventually got the troops inland.
[Bild: http://search.eb.com/normandy/art/onormay750p1.jpg]
[Bild: http://search.eb.com/normandy/art/onormay030m4.gif]
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