Türkische Rüstungsindustrie
Zitat:TEI TS1400 Turboshaft Breaks New Power Record
28 Jun 2024, 12:34 2 mins

Engine and Transmission
TEI TS1400 Turboshaft Breaks New Power Record
In the latest endurance tests, the TUSAS Engine Industry’s (TEI) TS1400 turboshaft engine reached 1740 shp emergency power, setting a new record. Within the scope of EASA certification, TS1400 has completed EASA CS-E 740, an endurance test involving six hours of wear-down 15 times consecutively.

Following the endurance test, the engine was tested in a one-engine inoperative scenario where the helicopter needed to be able to make an emergency landing on one engine. In the emergency test, Turkiye’s first Indigenous turboshaft engine reached 1740 shp emergency power, previously stated as 1660 shp. TS1400’s continuous power rating is 1400 shp, which is also likely to increase over time, like the emergency power.


Der saudische Verteidigungsminister Khalid bin Salman al Saud hat das Baykar Technolgiecenter besucht. Evtl. Besteht seitens Saudi Arabiens Interesse an der Kizilelma Drohne. Über die kommenden Jahre soll die saudische Luftwaffe 60 Akinci UCAV erhalten, die unter einem Tech Transfer Abkommen in Saudi Arabien gefertigt werden. Die Kizilelma wäre sozusagen das Sahnehäubchen wenn Saudi Arabien die Drohne beschafft.

Zitat:ASELSAN Signs E/W Contract with SSB
03 Jul 2024, 01:44 1 min

ASELSAN Signs E/W Contract with SSB
ASELSAN informed KAP that it signed an agreement with the Secretariat of Defence Industries (SSB) regarding Electronic Warfare Systems. ASELSAN informed the Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) that it signed an agreement with the Secretariat of Defence Industries (SSB) regarding Electronic Warfare Systems. ASELSAN made the following statement: “An agreement regarding Electronic Warfare Systems has been signed between ASELSAN and Presidency of The Republic of Türkiye Secretariat of Defence Industries valuing USD 109.700.953,-.”


Ergänzend zu meinem vorherigen Post, die Saudis sind an zwei wichtigen strategischen Projekten der Türkei interessiert, der Kizilelma Drohne und dem Jagdflugzeug Kaan.
Zitat:Is the New KIZILELMA Prototype a Supersonic one?
05 Jul 2024, 04:52 2 mins

Unmanned Systems
Is the New KIZILELMA Prototype a Supersonic one?
KIZILELMA’s new prototype was spotted during Saudi officials’ visit to Baykar. Some changes hint that this prototype might be designed to fly supersonic. The new prototype contains a wide array of design changes.

These include control surfaces and fuselage on the external side and, most likely, internal systems. On the control surfaces, the flap arrangement is observed to be remade with two flaps instead of five on the wings.

The vertical stabilisers have become larger and angled more uniformly with the fuselage’s sides. The lower number of flaps might have been preferred to simplify the flight control. More importantly, the actuators for flaps and vertical stabilisers have been concealed, improving aerodynamics and reducing the radar cross section (RCS). The fuselage’s backside is noticeably different from the first prototype, with a slant towards the rear end that will likely improve the aerodynamics. Additionally, enlarged intakes hint at the arrival of an AI-322F after-burning turbofan engine with a maximum thrust of 44 kN on the afterburner.


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