Türkische Rüstungsindustrie
Zitat:TEI TS1400 Turboshaft Breaks New Power Record
28 Jun 2024, 12:34 2 mins

Engine and Transmission
TEI TS1400 Turboshaft Breaks New Power Record
In the latest endurance tests, the TUSAS Engine Industry’s (TEI) TS1400 turboshaft engine reached 1740 shp emergency power, setting a new record. Within the scope of EASA certification, TS1400 has completed EASA CS-E 740, an endurance test involving six hours of wear-down 15 times consecutively.

Following the endurance test, the engine was tested in a one-engine inoperative scenario where the helicopter needed to be able to make an emergency landing on one engine. In the emergency test, Turkiye’s first Indigenous turboshaft engine reached 1740 shp emergency power, previously stated as 1660 shp. TS1400’s continuous power rating is 1400 shp, which is also likely to increase over time, like the emergency power.


Der saudische Verteidigungsminister Khalid bin Salman al Saud hat das Baykar Technolgiecenter besucht. Evtl. Besteht seitens Saudi Arabiens Interesse an der Kizilelma Drohne. Über die kommenden Jahre soll die saudische Luftwaffe 60 Akinci UCAV erhalten, die unter einem Tech Transfer Abkommen in Saudi Arabien gefertigt werden. Die Kizilelma wäre sozusagen das Sahnehäubchen wenn Saudi Arabien die Drohne beschafft.

Zitat:ASELSAN Signs E/W Contract with SSB
03 Jul 2024, 01:44 1 min

ASELSAN Signs E/W Contract with SSB
ASELSAN informed KAP that it signed an agreement with the Secretariat of Defence Industries (SSB) regarding Electronic Warfare Systems. ASELSAN informed the Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) that it signed an agreement with the Secretariat of Defence Industries (SSB) regarding Electronic Warfare Systems. ASELSAN made the following statement: “An agreement regarding Electronic Warfare Systems has been signed between ASELSAN and Presidency of The Republic of Türkiye Secretariat of Defence Industries valuing USD 109.700.953,-.”


Ergänzend zu meinem vorherigen Post, die Saudis sind an zwei wichtigen strategischen Projekten der Türkei interessiert, der Kizilelma Drohne und dem Jagdflugzeug Kaan.
Zitat:Is the New KIZILELMA Prototype a Supersonic one?
05 Jul 2024, 04:52 2 mins

Unmanned Systems
Is the New KIZILELMA Prototype a Supersonic one?
KIZILELMA’s new prototype was spotted during Saudi officials’ visit to Baykar. Some changes hint that this prototype might be designed to fly supersonic. The new prototype contains a wide array of design changes.

These include control surfaces and fuselage on the external side and, most likely, internal systems. On the control surfaces, the flap arrangement is observed to be remade with two flaps instead of five on the wings.

The vertical stabilisers have become larger and angled more uniformly with the fuselage’s sides. The lower number of flaps might have been preferred to simplify the flight control. More importantly, the actuators for flaps and vertical stabilisers have been concealed, improving aerodynamics and reducing the radar cross section (RCS). The fuselage’s backside is noticeably different from the first prototype, with a slant towards the rear end that will likely improve the aerodynamics. Additionally, enlarged intakes hint at the arrival of an AI-322F after-burning turbofan engine with a maximum thrust of 44 kN on the afterburner.

Zitat:ASELSAN’s PUHU-3LT EW System Ready for Service
07 Jul 2024, 11:25 1 min

ASELSAN’s PUHU-3LT EW System Ready for Service
ASELSAN announced that it is ready to deliver PUHU-3LT mobile electronic support systems onboard trucks and armoured vehicles. The PUHU-3LT systems were seen onboard BMC 4x4 tactical trucks and one ARMA 6x6 armoured vehicle. PUHU-3LT’s integration on ARMA 6x6 might mean that the car is entering the Turkish Armed Forces service for the first time.

However, it might be a prototype for evaluation as well. PUHU-3LT, formerly named SÖKMEN, is ASELSAN’s ground-based electronic support system to provide situational awareness in the field. The system can perform high-speed spectrum search, direction finding, and geo-location against V/UHF frequency utilised by communication systems.

Zitat:STM Exports BOYGA UAV for the First Time
09 Jul 2024, 10:01 3 mins

Unmanned Systems
STM Exports BOYGA UAV for the First Time
STM’s BOYGA UAV is exported to an undisclosed customer. The UAV carries the ammunition to the target area and drops on it. The ammunition-dropping UAV BOYGA, Autonomous Multi-Rotor Combat UAS with Mortar Payload developed by the STM, plays an active role in the fight against terrorism.

The contract for the first export of BOYGA has been concluded with an undisclosed African country, and deliveries are scheduled for completion in 2024. Since being added to the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) inventory in 2022, BOYGA has been actively involved in the fight against terrorism, cross-border operations and international exercises, most recently, the EFES-2024 Exercise, during which it hit the designated targets with pinpoint accuracy.


Zitat:Turkish Scientists Develop Highly Heat-Resistant Composite
09 Jul 2024, 05:19 2 mins

Turkish Scientists Develop Highly Heat-Resistant Composite
Turkish scientists from Malatya İnönü University have developed a composite material with extreme resistance to heat to protect against laser weapons. The scientists, Yeliz Toptaş and Murat Toptaş have stated to İhlas News Agency that the material can resist temperatures of 2600 degrees Celsius, which is on par with ablative coatings used in re-entry vehicles that are exposed to extreme heat due to high speeds. Laser weapons’ principle of target destruction is heating a point to extreme temperatures until the target loses its operational capability.

Zitat:Fliegt die türkische Stealth-Drohne bald Überschall?

In einer Halle des Istanbuler Drohnenspezialisten Baykar sorgte jüngst bei einem Pressetermin ein neuer Prototyp der türkischen Jet-Drohne Kızılelma für Aufsehen. Er präsentiert sich gegenüber dem Erstling merklich verändert. Fällt für Kızılelma bald die Schallmauer?

Patrick Zwerger
Neue türkische Stealth-Drohne Baykar Kizilelma
Foto: Baykar Technologies
14 Bilder

In seinem Hauptquartier am Stadtrand von Istanbul empfing Drohnenhersteller Baykar Technologies vor Kurzem eine hochrangige Delegation aus Saudi-Arabien. Interessanter als der Besuch selbst war für Außenstehende aber das, was auf dem obligatorischen Abschluss-Gruppenfoto im Hintergrund zu sehen war. Besucher und Gastgeber hatten sich nämlich vor mehreren Baykar-Drohnen aufgereiht – unter anderem einer zweimotorigen Akinci, deren Dienste sich Saudi-Arabien bereits gesichert hat, und einem Exemplar der neuen Stealth-Jet-Drohne Kızılelma ("roter Apfel").

Zitat:Hürjet Tests Transonic Speeds for The Supersonic Phase
11 Jul 2024, 09:23 2 mins

Air Expo and Air Show
Hürjet Tests Transonic Speeds for The Supersonic Phase
Turkish Aerospace (TUSAŞ)’s Hürjet advanced trainer and light combat aircraft prototype has reached a speed of Mach 0.9 at an altitude of 30000 ft. With Hürjet being developed for a maximum speed of Mach 1.4, the test is closer to the supersonic regime than the others, marking another milestone.

The speed specified translates to a speed of 272.8 m/s, considering that the speed of sound at 30000 ft is 303 m/s, lower than sea level at 340 m/s. Mach 0.9 is considered transonic speed in many cases where there is a drastic drag increase until the aircraft reaches the speed of sound. The lower air density at said altitude (2.67 times less than sea level) also causes performance losses. The flight test serves as a verification for Hürjet’s aerodynamic optimisations required to go through the transonic regime and eventually reach the supersonic speeds. Thus, the advanced trainer can be expected to achieve supersonic speeds in the next tests.

Zitat:SSB and Meteksan Sign the 'SAS' Project Contract
14 Jul 2024, 08:29 2 mins

Navy / Maritime Sensors
SSB and Meteksan Sign the 'SAS' Project Contract
The Secretariat of Defence Industries (SSB) and Meteksan signed a project contract to develop the Underwater Synthetic Aperture Imaging Capability (SAS). The contract aims to develop the National Synthetic Aperture Sonar (MİLSAS) system for military and civilian use. MİLSAS will enable high-resolution underwater image acquisition with its innovative sensor technology and signal processing algorithms.

Meteksan will develop the MILSAS in cooperation with Bilkent, Yıldırım Beyazıt and Gebze Technical Universities. It is planned to be completed in 2026 and enter the inventory at the beginning of 2027 following acceptance tests. Meteksan General Manager Adil Baktır made a statement within the scope of the signed SAS Project.

Zitat:Turkish Defence Products on Display in TRNC
20 Jul 2024, 07:01 2 mins

Expo and Air Show
Turkish Defence Products on Display in TRNC
16 Turkish defence firms are displaying their products in the TRNC as part of the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation. ROKETSAN is among the participants, which displays its various munitions. Some include the SOM cruise missile, ATMACA anti-ship missile, HİSAR-O+ medium-range air defence missile, and UAV-230 aero-ballistic missile. AKINCI UCAV from Baykar; T625 GÖKBEY helicopter and ANKA-3 UCAV from TUSAŞ; PD170 turbo-diesel aircraft engine from TEI; and ASELSAN’s radar products, like ALP-300G early warning radar, are also being displayed in the same hall, as reported by TRT Avaz.

The display of Turkish defence products in TRNC is important as most state-owned defence firms were established following the Cyprus Peace Operation. Some of the driving reasons for their establishment can be the experience gained during the operations. Turkiye sank its own vessel, TCG Kocatepe (D-354), with a friend fire due to the lack of reliable communication and ISR. The United States introduced an arms embargo on Turkiye. Turkiye decided to own its defence industry, and the exhibition shows the progress of the cause today in the place where it sprouted.

Zitat:KMC-U Launcher with ASELFLIR-410 Spotted on KAPLAN STA
22 Jul 2024, 05:37 2 mins

Weapon / Missile
KMC-U Launcher with ASELFLIR-410 Spotted on KAPLAN STA
ROKETSAN's new version of the KMC pedestal-mounted missile launcher, KMC-U, was seen with ASELFLIR-410 EO/IR on the FNSS KAPLAN STA tracked weapons carrier. KMC-U, alongside the ASELFLIR-410 electro-optical system, was seen in ASELSAN's weekly coverage video. KMC-U presents new capabilities compared to the baseline KMC, which has entered service with FNSS's KAPLAN and PARS 4x4 weapon carriers and is integrated into Turkish USVs. The new KMC-U version is designed to be fully compatible with ROKETSAN's UMTAS-GM extended-range ATGMS.


Auf der FIA 2024 in Farnborough hat der Hubschrauber Gökbey einen Demonstrationsflug absolviert. Das Modell was vorgeführt wurde verfügt über CTS-800 Turbinen.




Zur Kizilelma gibt es auch interessante Neuigkeiten, es ist ein dritter Prototyp mit verbesserten Stealth Eigenschaften und einem AL-332 F Triebwerk mit Nachbrenner.

(23.07.2024, 14:37)Skywalker schrieb: Zur Kizilelma gibt es auch interessante Neuigkeiten, es ist ein dritter Prototyp mit verbesserten Stealth Eigenschaften und einem AL-332 F Triebwerk mit Nachbrenner.


Dazu habe ich glaube ich auch ein Video gesehen, von einem Triebwerkstest. Aber ich meine mich erinnern zu können, dass bereits vor einem Jahr ein Triebwerk getestet wurde. Möchte der rote Apfel vielleicht auch mal fliegen?

Der rote Apfel 🍎 ist bereits 2022 geflogen, allerdings mit einem deutlich schwächeren AI-25 Triebwerk ohne Nachbrenner. Flüge mit dem neuen Prototypen dürfen meiner Einschätzung nach bald stattfinden.

Zitat:KIZILELMA’s Third Prototype Ignites the Afterburner
23 Jul 2024, 08:17 2 mins

Unmanned Systems Engine and Transmission
KIZILELMA’s Third Prototype Ignites the Afterburner
During a ground test, Baykar performed the afterburner test of the third prototype of its KIZILELMA unmanned fighter. TurDef previously discussed the possibility of the third prototype having the AI-322F afterburner turbofan engine, which, based on changes in the fuselage and other design improvements, will enable supersonic flight. The video of KIZILELMA’s third prototype (PT-3) igniting its afterburner has confirmed the predictions.

The third prototype was first spotted during a visit by the Saudi delegation to Baykar facilities. The design changes were spotted at that time. Some, but not all, include control surfaces and the fuselage on the external side. On the control surfaces, the flap arrangement was observed to be remade with two flaps instead of five on the wings. The vertical stabilisers have become larger and angled more uniformly with the fuselage’s sides.

The lower number of flaps might have been preferred to simplify the flight control. More importantly, the actuators for flaps and vertical stabilisers have been concealed, improving aerodynamics and reducing the radar cross section (RCS). Low RCS is among the primary goals for KIZILELMA’s production version.

The larger intakes will provide the needed airflow for the Ukrainian AI-322F afterburning turbofan engine, which has a maximum thrust of 44 kN on the afterburner. The previous engine, the AI-25TLT medium-bypass turbofan, has a lower maximum thrust of 16.9 kN. In addition to performance-related improvements, room seems to be made for ASELSAN’s sensors like MURAD-200A AESA radar and KARAT-100 IRST.


Zitat:ASELSAN Joins FIA2024's Exhibition
23 Jul 2024, 01:27 2 mins

Sensors Expo and Air Show
ASELSAN Joins FIA2024's Exhibition
ASELSAN of Turkiye is exhibiting its radar, electronic warfare, and air defence solutions in FIA2024 held in the U.K. ASELSAN has exhibited its radar systems for air and surface platforms on a reserved panel.

The radars exhibited include the FULMAR-500A surface search AESA radar, the FULMAR-200A AESA SAR pod, the MURAD-110A AESA radar, the KALKAN-200G (Formerly MAR) searching radar, the ALP-110G multi-function radar, and the STR-700G (Formerly SURALP) weapon location radar. The electronic warfare systems include ANTIDOT jamming pods for UAVs and ASOJ-23A (Formerly HAVA SOJ, based on the Bombardier Global 6000 jet).

One important part of ASELSAN's booth is the GÖKKUBBE (Skydome) air defence system, which combines various systems to simultaneously cover different layers.

From short to long range, the available systems are İHTAR Soft-Kill C-UAS, ŞAHİN 40 mm Hard-Kill C-UAS, GÖKBERK laser weapon, KORKUT 35 mm SPAAG, GÜRZ hybrid air defence system, HİSAR-A+, HİSAR-O+, and SİPER. One interesting detail in GÖKKUBBE is the presence of T-Link alongside RADNET radar data link. This suggests work on a Link-16 or Link-22 Turkish data link system that would allow for more autonomy.

Zitat:TUSAŞ Offers AKSUNGUR UAV to US Border Security
28 Jul 2024, 04:35 2 mins

Unmanned Systems Homeland Security Expo and Air Show
TUSAŞ Offers AKSUNGUR UAV to US Border Security
Firm Speaking to CNN Türk, TUSAŞ CEO Mehmet Demiroğlu stated that AKSUNGUR UAV was proposed to the U.S.-based firm performing border security in FIA2024. Demiroğlu stated that the exhibition featured a discussion about the AKSUNGUR UAV, which has an endurance of more than 55 hours. He stated that the firm was offered AKSUNGUR to support border patrol activities on the U.S.-Mexican border.

Due to its longer endurance than other UAVs/UCAVs of similar size, thanks to a pair of PD170 turbodiesel engines with lower consumption than gas turbines, AKSUNGUR has potential for civilian applications in areas like border patrol and disaster relief. The latter was demonstrated during the disaster relief efforts in the aftermath of the Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes on February 6, 2023. An AKSUNGUR UAV performed observation and acted as a mobile communication station with onboard relay equipment.


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