Türkische Rüstungsindustrie
Zitat:Bozdoğan-DH AD Missile Completes First Exit Tests
30 Jul 2024, 01:15 2 mins

Weapon / Missile Navy / Maritime
Bozdoğan-DH AD Missile Completes First Exit Tests Photo Credit Defence Turkey
The exit speed tests of the Bozdoğan-DH naval air defence missile for GÖKSUR PDMS were completed in the Tubitak Sage’s Ankara Wind Tunnel (ART). The aerodynamic tests were performed at Mach 0.2 with 361 scans, as reported by Defence Turkey.

The scan conditions included different control surface positions. Bozdoğan-DH’s main external difference is the folding rear fins to fit inside GÖKSUR’s canisters, which can be clearly seen on the test model. Bozdoğan’s surface-launched variant will be mainly used in ASELSAN’s GÖKSUR PDMS for warships that can carry 12 missiles, an EO/IR system, and four AESA radars based on AURA.

Zitat:MKE GÜRHAN Hybrid SPH Completes Firing Tests
01 Aug 2024, 11:07 2 mins

Land Weapon / Missile
MKE GÜRHAN Hybrid SPH Completes Firing Tests
MKE's GÜRHAN (formerly named E-FIRTINA) 155 mm tracked SPH has performed its firing tests successfully. GÜRHAN is an experimental FIRTINA 155 mm SPH development to explore the hybrid-drive option. The prototype has been in development at least since 2021. GÜRHAN features an electric engine with batteries charged by a diesel engine. The electric engine has an output of 1300 hp compared to the diesel engine's 1000 hp. Alternatively, the batteries can be charged separately for four hours.

This propulsion arrangement is similar to the submarines' diesel-electric systems, where diesel engines act as generators for the electric drive that turns the propeller. Besides the hybrid drive, GÜRHAN's other specifications are identical to the baseline FIRTINA. FIRTINA's prioritised upgrade, FIRTINA-NG, was first delivered in 2023 and used in EFES 2024 exercises.

The new variant features important upgrades like a revised fire control system and mast-mounted RCWS, which can double as an optic. Additionally, ROKETSAN's inertial guidance kit MDK with brake-based correction and multi-mode fuse was tested from the SPH in 2024

Zitat:Türkiye touts plan for ‘Steel Dome’ multilayer air defense system
This illustration shows some of the equipment and systems that are said to be part of the planned "Steel Dome" project. (AA Photo)
This illustration shows some of the equipment and systems that are said to be part of the planned "Steel Dome" project. (AA Photo)
by Daily Sabah Aug 07, 2024 1:40 pm
Türkiye announced plans on Tuesday to form an indigenous multi-layered air defense system that features a network-centric and AI-supported multi-platform-integrated shield across large swaths of land, seeking to provide an impenetrable defense over Turkish airspace.

That would crown years of investments that have helped Türkiye transform from a nation heavily reliant on equipment from abroad to one where homegrown systems meet almost all of its defense industry needs.

For years, Ankara has voiced frustrations over its Western allies' failure to provide adequate defense against missile threats despite Türkiye being a NATO member. It eventually took delivery of the advanced S-400 missile defense system made by Russia, a cooperation it hoped could help it develop its own defense program.

Zitat:ASELSAN Shows Çelik Kubbe Integrated Air Defence System
07 Aug 2024, 08:31 2 mins

Air Weapon / Missile Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software Communication Sensors
ASELSAN Shows Çelik Kubbe Integrated Air Defence System
Following the SSİK decision on Çelik Kubbe Integrated Air Defence System (IADS), ASELSAN displayed system components covering different altitudes. Çelik Kubbe holds importance as a system of systems encompassing all ranges with a common airspace image shared across all members and AI-aided decision-making.

Çelik Kubbe holds importance as a system of systems encompassing all ranges with a common airspace image shared across all members and AI-aided decision-making. The systems to work inside the Çelik Kubbe, like HİSAR, SİPER, GÜRZ, and various radars, will be connected through the RADNET radar link management system, HAKİM Air Command Control System responsible for the coordination of systems involved in air defence, and T-Link as the indigenous data link which will likely function similarly with Link-16 or Link-22. In addition to ASELSAN, ROKETSAN has also announced that its systems will be integrated within Çelik Kubbe, including BURÇ Hybrid SPAAG (Self Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun), ALKA Laser/Jammer, and naval air defence systems (LEVENT, HİSAR-D…).

The main air defence systems and sensors that work in the Çelik Kubbe system can be grouped as:



Ein Video vom Test des Flugabwehrsystem Gökdemir, dass FlaRak System was bodengestützte Raketen des Typs Gökdoğan nutzt. Die Gökdoğan ist ursprünglich als BVR Rakete konzipiert und hat eine Reichweite von mehr als 100 km. Die Reichweite der bodengestützten Variante fällt geringer aus und liegt bei 30 km +.

Die Kara Atmaca wurde erfolgreich getestet. Der Flugkörper besitzt im Gegensatz zur Seeziel Variante ein anderes Triebwerk, dass KTJ-3700 von Kale. Laut Roketsan liegt die Reichweite bei 280 km, es dürften aber weit mehr sein. Die Kara Atmaca ist für den Einsatz gegen Landziele gedacht und wird vorraussichtlich nächstes Jahr bei den türkischen Streitkräften eingeführt.



Hier einige Spezifikationen der Kara Atmaca.

Zitat:ATMACA UM Cruise Missile Hits the Target Directly
18 Aug 2024, 04:04 2 mins

Weapon / Missile
ATMACA UM Cruise Missile Hits the Target Directly
The new version of ATMACA Anti-Ship Missile, ATMACA UM (Formerly KARA ATMACA), hit the container target on the sea with a range record in the family.

The missile used its IIR seeker to cruise towards the target, two containers stacked vertically on the sea, scoring a direct hit. While the IIR seeker is shorter-ranged than the original RF seeker, it has better discrimination capabilities and allows for low-level cruising on varying terrain.

As a missile primarily meant to hit ground targets, ATMACA UM must be able to cruise through changing terrain, which requires better imaging. Another important part of the test is that the missile was fired from the indigenous KOLUMAN DERMAN 8x8 truck, a change from the Russian KAMAZ-type trucks used in previous tests.


Das UCAV Anks-3 hat seinen ersten Flug mit eingezogen Fahrwerk durchgeführt.

Zitat:ALPAGUT Loitering Munition Spotted on AKINCI UCAV
15 Aug 2024, 11:40 2 mins

Ammunition Unmanned Systems Expo and Air Show
ALPAGUT Loitering Munition Spotted on AKINCI UCAV
What appears to be a prototype of ROKETSAN/STM ALPAGUT loitering munition has been seen under the wing of an AKINCI UCAV. The munition was present in another test involving IIR/TV MAM-T and winged TEBER-82 munitions.

Unveiled during SAHA EXPO 2022, ALPAGUT has already been teased with an air launch from AKINCI UCAV. While the shape is roughly similar, small changes are observed in the munition compared to the first-shown models. ALPAGUT is a propeller-driven loitering munition with a warhead of 11 kg and a range of 60+ km.

The munition can be launched from manned/unmanned aircraft, USVs, ships, land vehicles, and helicopters. As the propeller is driven electrically and the munition travels at a low speed, detection risk is lowered at shorter ranges. Another important feature of ALPAGUT is the gimbal EO/IR system on the nose, which doubles as a seeker and an ISR asset.

Multiple ALPAGUTs can loiter around suspected areas to find targets and relay the visual information simultaneously.

Eine hochrangige Delegation aus Polen hat Baykar Defence besucht. Daneben hat Polen Interesse am Marlin USV bekundet.



Zitat:İkinci: Roketsan’s R&D Budget is 7.5 Billion TL
28 Aug 2024, 11:09 2 mins

İkinci: Roketsan’s R&D Budget is 7.5 Billion TL
Roketsan General Manager Murat İkinci announced they allocated 19 per cent of their turnover to 154 R&D projects in 2023. İkinci announced their R&D budget as 7.5 billion TL in 2024.

İkinci, who wrote an article for Turkishtime magazine, explained Roketsan’s activities. İkinci said, “We made important investments for the future by allocating a budget of 4 billion 165 million 682 thousand TL, corresponding to 19 per cent of our turnover, for 154 R&D projects we carried out in 2023, and we realised 134 of these in R&D collaboration (81 institutions/organisations and five universities).

The total budget of R&D projects that were signed in 2023 and carried out in collaboration with universities was 10 million 276 thousand TL.”

Expressing that they signed 22 patents, one utility model and six international patent applications in 2022, İkinci said, “In 2024, we aim to increase our R&D budget to over 7.5 billion TL and conduct new studies in many areas such as satellite launch technologies, technologies for innovative weapon systems, navigation, propulsion, control, warhead, ballistic protection, advanced materials, energy storage and terminal guidance technologies.”

Zum ersten Mal wurde ein Prototyp der Anka-3 Stealth Angriffsdrohne mit externer Bewaffnung getestet.

Zitat:ANKA-3 Makes Maiden Flight with Munition
01 Sep 2024, 10:03 2 mins

Ammunition Unmanned Systems Sensors
ANKA-3 Makes Maiden Flight with Munition
TUSAŞ’s ANKA-3 flying-wing UCAV has flown with a TEBER-82 GPS/laser-guided bomb under the wing. The flight test is an important step in making the platform operational and demonstrates ANKA-3’s stability as a flying wing despite the asymmetric aerodynamic behaviour. The observations point to an inert munition for testing purposes. However, there hasn’t been a statement on whether the test munition’s weight was equal to the live munition.

ANKA-III will be able to carry weapons with seven hard points in total. The external ones include four under wings (500 and 250 lb) and one under the fuselage (1000 lb); internal ones are located in the fuselage. The UCAV will be able to carry a payload of 1.2 tonnes in total. The munitions include guided bombs, cruise missiles, air-to-air missiles, and SÜPER ŞİMŞEK air-launched UAV. An electro-optical system was also spotted under the nose. ,

Zitat:Turkish Defense Industry’s Landing in Jordan
by Murat Kadör September 8, 2024
Turkish Defense Industry’s Landing in Jordan
Turkish Defense Industry companies will participate in the SOFEX 2024 Fair to be held in Aqaba, Jordan between September 2-5, 2024. Official delegations from all over the world, especially from the Middle East and the Arab world, are expected to participate in the Special Operations Forces Conference and Fair (SOFEX 2024), which will continue for four days between September 2-5, 2024.

The fair in question aims to bring together the world’s largest manufacturers and developers of defense equipment with many high-level military officials such as defense ministers and chiefs of general staff.

The fair, which has been organized since 1996, hosts its guests every two years. In SOFEX 2022, there were participations of more than 300 companies from 98 countries, specialized in defense equipment and weapons production. Within the scope of SOFEX 2024, 400 official delegations from 38 countries and 100 countries in 98 pavilions are expected to participate. Within the scope of SOFEX 2024 Fair, evaluating the Turkish Defense Industry, Defense Industry President Prof. Dr. Haluk Görgün stated the following in his statement:

Zitat:AKINCI UCAV Drops KUZGUN-SS Glide Munition
12 Sep 2024, 04:53 2 mins

Ammunition Unmanned Systems
AKINCI UCAV Drops KUZGUN-SS Glide Munition
TÜBİTAK SAGE's KUZGUN-SS glide munition dropped from Baykar's AKINCI UCAV and successfully hit the stationary sea target.

Following the integration on AKSUNGUR UCAV a year ago, KUZGUN-SS was dropped from AKINCI UCAV on a stationary sea target. Alongside MAM-T, KGK-82, TOLUN SDB, and the wing kit version of TEBER, KUZGUN-SS will be the fourth extended-range glide munition in AKINCI's arsenal.

Another development on the KUZGUN munition family is revealing the solid-fuel rocket variant KUZGUN-KY's fixed launcher on Marlin AUSV, holding eight missiles, shared by TRT News. Malaysian Dayatech also offers a turreted launcher for all KUZGUN variants, which is meant for small naval platforms.


Noch ein Video vom Test der Kuzgun.

Deutschland will Chile keine neuen Leopard-2 KPz liefern wenn Chile das Modernisierungs Angebot bvon ASELSAN annimmt.

Zitat:Germany Wants to Block ASELSAN’s Offers to Chile
13 Sep 2024, 12:31 2 mins

Germany Wants to Block ASELSAN’s Offers to Chile
Chilean sources have reported that Germany refused to sell new Leopard 2 MBTs to Chile if a modernisation deal was made with ASELSAN.

In a live stream of Chile-based YouTube channel La Trinchera about ASELSAN's Leopard 2 modernisation programme for Chile, Germany's offer for new Leopard 2 models included the condition of not signing a modernisation deal with ASELSAN.

This not only targets Turkiye but also threatens Chile, which is in the process of modernising its tank fleet. Germany's other measures targeting Turkiye include efforts to prevent the sale of Eurofighter Typhoon jets and a block of delivery by Siemens on energy transfer equipment for the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant.


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