(Asien) Iran - Streitkräfte
Zitat:IRGC Ground Force unveils Rezvan suicide drone with 20 km range
Thursday, 09 January 2025 9:47 AM [ Last Update: Thursday, 09 January 2025 9:47 AM ]

[Bild: https://cdn.presstv.ir/Photo/2025/1/9/c5...155862.jpg]
The photo displays the loitering drone “Rezvan” which was unveiled by Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Force on January 9, 2025. (Photo by Tasnim)

Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Force has unveiled a new type of suicide drone with a range of 20 kilometers as the military unit continues to upgrade its cutting-edge warfare technology.

The loitering drone named “Rezvan” was introduced and operationalized on Thursday, the final day of Great Prophet 19 military drills by the IRGC Ground Force in western Iran.

The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has a range of 20 kilometers and a 20-minute flight endurance.

The suicide drone is equipped with a camera mounted on the front that sends images after being launched from its cylindrical launcher, allowing the operator to select, lock on and attack a target.

Owing to their versatility and rapid deployment, the loitering UAVs provide the IRGC Ground Force’s rapid response units with new capabilities to combat terrorist groups, not least in complex mountainous geography.
Zitat:Iran to stage extensive anti-terror operations in land, air, sea for two months: Commander
Monday, 06 January 2025 7:18 AM [ Last Update: Tuesday, 07 January 2025 5:06 AM ]

The IRGC Ground Forces are deploying to a combat zone in western Iran before a large-scale and specialized anti-terror campaign, codenamed Payambar-e-A’azam (Great Prophet) 19. (Photo by Tasnim news agency)

A senior Iranian military commander says the country will stage a massive anti-terror campaign across its skies, lands and waters for the next two months to combat terrorist groups.

Zitat:IRGC Sets Up Field Hospital in Western Border Region amid War Game
January, 06, 2025 - 10:27 Politics news
The makeshift specialty hospital with 128 beds has been set up in Azgeleh region in the western province of Kermanshah. It also serves as a logistical medical center for the military forces attending the “Payambar-e Azam (The Great Prophet) 19 ” exercise.
The IRGC Ground Force has stationed various units, including its ‘Mirza Kuchak Khan’ special forces brigade, in the drill zone.

Zitat:Nuclear Site in Central Iran under Protection in Air Defense Drill
January, 07, 2025 - 11:21 Politics news

During the first stage of the drill, the air defense units exercised plans for the protection of the Natanz nuclear site in central Iran.

The air defense division of the IRGC Aerospace Force employed point-defense tactics to protect the nuclear site in Natanz against an array of aerial threats amid possible electronic warfare.

On Monday, the commander of the Khatam al-Anbia Air Defense Base -the central headquarters of Iran’s Air Defense- said a series of new and secret air defense systems have been installed near the country’s sensitive locations.

Zitat:IRGC Begins Final Stage of War Game in West of Iran
January, 09, 2025 - 09:51 Defense news
In a part of the war game on Thursday, rapid response operation scenarios were conducted, with the swift transfer of troops and equipment to the exercise area being one aspect of this type of operation, which was carried out by the Mirza Kouchak Khan Brigade.

Later in the exercise, the units’ column movement towards the main war game area was carried out.

At this stage, the participating units, equipped with all necessary gear and accompanied by IRGC Ground Force Airborne Division’s helicopter air cover, swiftly mobilized and deployed to the exercise area in the shortest possible time.

A heliborne and Special Patrol Insertion/Extraction (SPIE) exercise by the Saberin Special Forces of the IRGC Ground Force was also conducted in the general area of the war game.

In this part of the exercise, the Saberin Special Forces conducted a heliborne operation using Mi-17 helicopters. They were deployed to predetermined areas to practice seizing high ground and enemy supply routes in order to cut off support lines.

Zitat:Basij Forces Stage Massive Drill in Tehran
January, 10, 2025 - 11:29 Politics news

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A large-scale exercise involving 110,000 members of the Iranian Basij (volunteer) forces was held in capital Tehran on Friday, January 10.

The drill, designed as a cultural and combat exercise, has been organized by the Muhammad Rasulullah division of the IRGC in Tehran as part of the Payambar-e Azam (The Great Prophet) 19 war game.

A series of defense equipment have been displayed in the massive drill, codenamed ‘Rahiyan-e Quds’ (those heading towards al-Quds).

The organizers said the purpose of the drill is to maintain the preparedness of Basij forces to combat all threats, strengthen coordination, and develop professional skills in countering terrorist operations, protecting the urban neighborhoods, and providing rescue and relief services.
Zitat:Iran's Newly-Commissioned Nazir Over-the-Horizon Radar is Looking Towards russia, the Explaination is Simple
January 10, 2025

Tehran is expanding its defense capabilities against aerial and missile attacks by deploying its own over-the-horizon radar system. A new element of this system is the Nazir radar that has been installed recently in the mountainous province of Gilan on the shores of the Caspian Sea, as reported by iranian media outlets, including Islamic World News.
Given the location of the new radar, it should be capable of covering the northern surveillance zone which was previously a gap in iranian air surveillance systems. In fact, it mostly faces towards iran's ally, the russian federation, with a viewing angle wide enough to partly see russian regions Dagestan and Chechnya. It also covers the entire territory of Azerbaijan, Armenia, eastern regions of Turkiye, parts of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan.

Among them all, the key strategic adversary is Azerbaijan. At least iranian media report that during the latest attacks by Israel, some of the strikes were launched from the northern direction, thanks to Azerbaijan offering its airspace to Israeli pilots. From now on, however, iran will be able to see any threats from the north in advance.
Zitat:Breaking News: Iran Declares Shahed-149 Gaza Drone Copy of US MQ-9 Reaper Operational After Successful Strike Tests.
27 Jan, 2025 - 11:10
Defense News Army 2025

According to a video published by Iran's National TV on January 26, 2025, Iran has officially operationalized its Shahed-149 "Gaza" unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV), a high-altitude, long-endurance drone capable of striking targets up to 4,000 kilometers away. The announcement follows the successful deployment of the drone during the "Great Prophet 2025" military exercise, where it engaged multiple mock targets with high precision. Images circulated online show the Shahed-149 equipped with eight Sadid-345 guided glide bombs, underscoring its formidable strike capabilities.

[Bild: https://www.armyrecognition.com/template...99454.webp]
The Iranian Shahed-149 "Gaza" unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) is seen in flight, armed with eight Sadid-345 precision-guided glide bombs. (Picture source: X account OSINTWarfare)

The Iranian-made Shahed-149 MALE (Medium-Altitude Long-Endurance) aerial drone was first introduced in 2021 and subsequently delivered to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force in 2022. With a wingspan of 21 meters, it can carry a payload of 500 kg, consisting of various munitions, including precision-guided bombs and surveillance equipment. The drone operates with a cruising speed of 215 km/h, a flight endurance of 25 hours, and can reach altitudes of 10,668 m (35,000 feet), making it suitable for long-range reconnaissance and strike missions.

"Rezvan" Loitering Munition: https://x.com/MohamadTaheri90/status/188...2191520091
"Zoobin" SUAV / Loiting Munition: https://x.com/projectmeshkat/status/1881712219211321819
Diverse weitere UAV ausgeliefert: https://youtu.be/rN9SMzG1MqM?si=8zRmU5SRNlSAwl0a
Manöver vor ein paar Tagen:
Die Kooperation mit dem russischen Entwicklungsbüro von Lancet ist recht offensichtlich bei Rezvan

359 UAV/Rakete
Zitat:Iran tests new Badr anti-tank guided missile to modernize its infantry strike capabilities.
29 Jan, 2025 - 13:10

The system, which appears to be a modified version of the Almas missile, features a reduced caliber from 130 mm to 110 mm. The Badr ATGM is a single-operator, fire-and-forget weapon with an operational range of up to two kilometers, designed to counter armored vehicles. Compared to the earlier Almas missile, the Badr’s lighter design enables a single soldier to carry and deploy this fire-and-forget weapon without additional personnel or setup while maintaining the ability to penetrate up to 60 centimeters of armor at a range of up to two kilometers.
Die iranischen G3 und die älteren AK diverser Ursprünge scheinen bei der aktiven Truppe nun auch in sichtbarer Dosis moderneren Waffen zu weichen. Inzwischen sieht man in verschiedenen Truppenteilen die iranischen Masaf (7,62 × 51 mm NATO), exklusiv bei der IRGC das AK103 (7,62 × 39 mm RU). Eine Army Ranger Einheit schien zudem recht geübt mit ex-afghanischen US Waffen (5.56×45mm NATO) oder deren iranischen oder chinesischen Klonen zu hantieren, während eine andere mit Masaf unterwegs war. Das bleibt scheinbar nicht aus. Unterm Strich bleiben aber damit die relevanten westlichen und östlichen Kaliber perspektivisch auch weiterhin im Bestand. Masaf wurde bspw. nach eigenen Anforderungen mit 7,62 × 51 mm NATO Kaliber entwickelt & eingeführt, während vollkommen klar ist, dass man auf dem internationalen Markt eher RU Waffen erhalten wird, die man konsequenterweise auch gleichzeitig mit beschafft.
Zitat:Iran unveils a new cruise missile named “Qadr-380” with a range of over 1,000 kilometers, while unveiling its new underground base hosting numerous of other types of cruise missiles.
7,5t LKW mit ziviler Standard-Herkunft als Plattform für Cruise Missiles. Damit werden diese relativ günstig bewegt und gehen im allgemeinen Verkehr optisch unter: https://defapress.ir/files/en/news/2025/...24_889.jpg Denkt man sich auf dem Foto den LKW ganz weg, bleibt ein hydraulischer Arm übrig. Den braucht es.
Weiß jemand, was hier für Drohnen und Hubschrauber auf dem Träger sind? Die Luftaufnahme in der Draufsicht sieht so komisch aus, wegen der unterschiedlichen Größen...

Drohnenträger Iran
Also ich sehe auf den Bildern an Hubschraubern Bell 206, Bell 412 und Mil Mi-171. Die Drohnen (die du vermutlich meinst) sehen aus wie das, was der Iran bisher als Qaher 313 präsentiert hat, wobei es offensichtlich mindestens zwei Größen gibt. Es gibt Flugaufnahmen, allerdings mit vergleichsweise kleinen Modellen, die auf einem Bild auch erkennbar sind, und es gibt Standaufnahmen von größeren Modellen.
Die derzeit einsetzbaren Drohnen dort waren die Ababil und Mohajer der Marine. Die zwei verschiedenen Modelle der Qaher-313 Drohne waren nur als Gast - Stars an Bord. Das 20% Modell haben sie mal fliegen lassen, die größeren wohl nur rumgeschubst.
Genau die Drohnen meinte ich. Auf dem einen Luftbild sah es so aus, als hätte man mit Copy Paste die Drohnen vervielfälltigt und dann (um es passend zu machen) vergrößert oder verkleinert.

Danke auch für die andere KheibarShekan, hast du vom Schubsen ein Video? Big Grin
Zitat:Iranian Air Defense System, S-300 Work in Tandem in War Game
February, 05, 2025 - 12:13 Politics news
On the final day of the second stage of the large-scale war game on Wednesday, the Iranian air defenses utilized the Bavar 373 and the S-300 missile systems integrated into the nationwide air defense network.

Operating in tandem, the two air defense missile systems detected and detonated high-altitude targets.
Habe mal Videomaterial gesehen, wo die größere Version auf dem Lift stand und ein weiteres mal auf der Landebahn vor den Minis. Spontan habe ich Bilder von IRNA, die konkreten Aufnahmen muss ich wieder suchen:

Zitat:It's claimed 30 attack craft can be stored & deployed by the ship. Here a Tareq class FAC can be seen. Each Tareq carries 4 Kowsar-222 missiles, which can be used against both surface & aerial targets
Vielleicht hat sie gar einsatz- oder konzeptbedingt mehr Schnellboote im Bauch als Drohnen?

8 x Kowsar-222 SAM/SSM
1 x 30mm 2A42
8 x Qader/Ghadir AShM
~ ein dutzend 12,7mm MG und Gatling Stände für den Nahbereich
Es gibt darüber hinaus etwas Platz für Container. Da passen dann weitere Sachen rein, wie bspw. LACM oder SRBM.

Wo ist der Mehrwert der Landebahn gegenüber den anderen FOBs? Auf speziell diesem Schiff können nun ein paar mit etwas höheren Stehzeiten ausgestattete UAVs starten und landen. Das bietet ein paar Optionen mehr in der Luft, als die ansonsten per Katapult gestarteten, vglw. unwirtschaftlichen Einwegdrohnen oder das leichte VTOL Spielzeug. Joar, ganz ok, aber für einen Träger nix. Alternativ oder ergänzend können jedoch auch 3 Mi-17 gemeinsam mit 4 Cobras abheben und dabei 12 Schnellboote begleiten, die zuvor abgesetzt wurden. Szenarien könnten die Befreiung eines von Piraten gekaperten iranischen Handelsschiffs sein. Oder auch die Abschreckung von Beschlagnahmungsversuchen durch staatliche Akteure. Oder ein irgendein Sondereinsatz gegen Al-Kaida im Jemen oder gegen ein Piratennest wo iranische Geiseln gehalten werden.

Die Beschaffungskosten dieses iranischen Marineschiffs belaufen sich schätzungsweise auf einen unteren zweistelligen Millionenbetrag. Das blockiert also vor allem für eine Weile die Werft, aber ist kein relevanter Kostenfaktor. Es ist ja auch kein Kriegsschiff im klassischen Sinne, sondern ein Schiff zur Friedenssicherung.

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