Beiträge: 28.156
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Registriert seit: Jul 2003
Meroweg schrieb mit offenkundiger Freude:
Uno-Diplomaten werfen USA Erpressung vor
Die USA fahren im Streit über das Weltgericht schwere Geschütze auf: Für den Fall, dass die Uno US-Bürgern vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof (ICC) nicht vollständige Immunität gewähren, droht die Bush-Regierung damit, ihre Truppen von internationalen Friedensmission abzuziehen.
HARHARHAR :evil::evil::evil:
Zitat:Und beim 3. mal bzw wenn es jetzt durchkommt gibts wohl sowas wie ein Völkergewoehnungsrecht - sprich in dem Fall sind wirklich alle guten Dinge 3 :evil:
Man darf inzwischen dazu mit noch größerer Freude feststellen: :box: 
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Zitat:USA bestehen nicht mehr auf Immunität für US-Soldaten vor IStGH
Die USA haben ihre Bemühungen um eine Straffreiheit für US-Soldaten vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof (IStGH) in Den Haag aufgegeben. Washington habe seinen Antrag angesichts des Widerstands im UNO-Sicherheitsrat zurückgezogen, sagte der US-Botschafter bei den Vereinten Nationen, James Cunningham, am Mittwoch in New York.
Die USA hatten zuvor einen Kompromissvorschlag unterbreitet, wonach die Immunität für US-Bürger vor dem IStGH letztmalig um ein Jahr verlängert werden sollte.
Angesichts des Folterskandals im irakischen Gefängnis Abu Ghraib war der US-Antrag in New York auf heftigen Widerstand gestoßen. Der deutsche UNO-Botschafter Günter Pleuger sagte, er denke nicht, dass der Kompromiss ausreiche. Washington hätte mindestens neun Unterstützer im Sicherheitsrat gebraucht
Zitat:Streit um Immunität für US-Soldaten
Hintergrund des Streits ist die UNO-Resolution zu den Kompetenzen des IStGH, der 1998 gegründet wurde und seit Juli 2002 Völkermord, Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit und Kriegsverbrechen ahnden kann. Die Resolution nimmt Beteiligte an UNO-Einsätzen für die Dauer von zwölf Monaten von einer möglichen Verfolgung durch den IStGH aus, sofern sie aus Nicht-Vertragsstaaten kommen. Die USA haben den Vertrag zum IStGH nicht ratifiziert. Auf Druck Washingtons hatte der Sicherheitsrat im Juli 2002 die Ausnahmeregelung verabschiedet und diese 2003 um zwölf Monate verlängert.
Beiträge: 3.530
Themen: 193
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
Jup dumme Amis
wohl weil man die UN im Irak einspannen will verzichtet man auf ne haertere Gangart - naj adie Amis haben ja mit x staaten abkommen geshlossen, die amsi ueberpruefen jetzt ihre teilnahme an den einsaetzen und es gibt ja immernoch den Netherlands Invading Act *ggg*
Beiträge: 28.156
Themen: 567
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
Zitat:und es gibt ja immernoch den Netherlands Invading Act *ggg*
au ja - und die Niederlande rufen die NATO zu Hilfe :daumen:
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Beiträge: 3.530
Themen: 193
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
jo bis die kommandotruppen rein und wieder raus sind hat man schon ne entscheidung getroffen *g*
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Zitat:U.S. to Pull 9 From U.N. Peacekeeping Missions
By Colum Lynch
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, July 3, 2004; Page A22
UNITED NATIONS, July 2 -- The Bush administration has decided to withdraw nine U.S. soldiers serving in United Nations peacekeeping missions in Africa and the Balkans, citing the U.N. Security Council's refusal this month to renew a resolution shielding Americans from prosecution by the International Criminal Court, U.S. and U.N. officials said Friday.
Weitere Einsaetze sind gerade aufm Pruefstand :daumen:
Beiträge: 28.156
Themen: 567
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
da verweis ich doch auf die NAchricht von Popeye vom 6. Juli auf <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 1089404055</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Schutztruppe der Afrikanischen Union für den Sudan geplant
es geht also auch, ohne dass Erpresser und Hegemonisten ein Veto einlegen können :baeh:
Beiträge: 2.083
Themen: 57
Registriert seit: Aug 2003
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"Die Uno muss endlich handlungsfähig werden"
Von Rupert Neudeck
Viele Menschen drängen auf eine stärkere Rolle der Uno, um Konflikte in Krisen- und Kriegsgebieten zu lösen. Rupert Neudeck, Gründer von Cap Anamur und weit gereister humanitärer Helfer, warnt vor einer Idealisierung der Vereinten Nationen. Zu viele Missionen seien gescheitert, der blaue Koloss müsse dringend reformiert werden.
Gute Analyse mit richtiger Schlußfolgerung.
Beiträge: 3.530
Themen: 193
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
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Zitat:Liberal Myths Exploded: The Moral United Nations
Written by Joe Mariani
Thursday, July 01, 2004
The left's dogmatic insistence that the answer to all of America's foreign policy questions lie within the hallowed halls of the United Nations continues to bewilder clear-thinking people. The persistent belief that the United Nations is somehow the world's ''moral compass'' is due more to hopes and dreams than fact and reason. The U.N.'s record of incompetence and corruption is truly mind-boggling, and it seems to grow every day.
Ebenfalls ne gute Analyse :evil:
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Zitat:Srebrenica-Überlebende wollen UNO-Entschädigung
Genf. DPA/BaZ. Mehr als 60 Überlebende des Massakers von Srebrenica haben von den Vereinten Nationen finanzielle Entschädigung verlangt. Die Kopie eines entsprechenden Schreibens an die UNO in New York sei in Genf eingegangen, berichtete der juristische Dienst der Weltgemeinschaft am Dienstag in Genf.
Beiträge: 3.530
Themen: 193
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
Hrhrhr naechster Versuch Antisemitsimus zu verurteilen...
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Zitat:Arabs shock Europeans, refuse to condemn anti-Semitism
By Shlomo Shamir, Haaretz Correspondent
NEW YORK - Arab states at the United Nations are trying to foil a proposal to raise a vote condemning anti-Semitism in the General Assembly this September.
At a closed meeting held recently in New York, UN ambassadors from Arab and EU countries met and the Arabs made clear that they do not accept the initiative for the UN General Assembly to condemn anti-Semitism.
Da bin ich mal gespannt :evil:
Beiträge: 1.321
Themen: 77
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
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Wir wollen da rein!
Deutschland schmiedet gemeinsam mit Japan, Brasilien und Indien ein Bündnis. Die vier wollen die Vorherrschaft der Ständigen Fünf im UN-Sicherheitsrat brechen
Zitat:Mit einem Paukenschlag will Deutschland in der kommenden Woche die ganz große Bühne der Weltpolitik betreten. Im New Yorker Hotel Intercontinental treffen sich am Dienstagnachmittag Brasiliens Präsident Lula, Japans Premier Koizumi, Indiens Ministerpräsident Singh und der deutsche Vizekanzler Fischer. Gastgeber ist der Japaner. Gemeinsam wollen die vier am Rande der UN-Generalversammlung den Anspruch ihrer Länder auf einen ständigen Sitz im Sicherheitsrat anmelden und sich als »natürliche Kandidaten« gegenseitiger diplomatischer Unterstützung versichern. Eigentlich sollte auch ein afrikanisches Land mit von der Partie sein; aber weder Südafrika noch Nigeria wagen sich zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt aus der Deckung...........
Beiträge: 3.530
Themen: 193
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
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Zitat:The U.N. scandal
They say that sunlight is the best disinfectant.
Some is certainly needed on the smelly Iraqi oil-for-food scandal, but so far, the mainstream media has not delivered this outrage to the public. That job was left to Fox News, which broadcast a report on Sunday night.
There are two ongoing investigations of the scandal - one by the United Nations, which administered the program, and another by Congress. Unfortunately, neither promises to get very far. We are skeptical of the U.N.'s ability to investigate itself, and Congress does not have subpoena power to call the appropriate people onto the carpet.
Some of that happened. But what has become increasingly clear is that the program became corrupt, and that a lot of people - Iraqi officials, including Saddam, U.N. officials, and businessmen (and maybe even politicians) in France, Germany, Russia and China - made billions off the program.
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Zitat:UN lehnen Aufnahme Taiwans ab
Taiwanesische Präsident spricht von erzwungener "politische Apartheid" seitens der UN
New York - Die Vereinten Nationen haben einen neuerlichen Antrag Taiwans auf Aufnahme in die Weltorganisation abermals zurückgewiesen. In der Vollversammlung gab es am Mittwochabend (Ortszeit) keinen Widerspruch gegen den Vorschlag des amtierenden Präsidenten Jean Ping aus Gabun, das Anliegen Taipehs nicht auf die Tagesordnung zu setzen. Taiwan bemüht sich schon seit zwölf Jahren um einen UN-Beitritt, ist bisher jedoch stets am politischen Einfluss Chinas gescheitert. Der taiwanesische Präsident Chen Shui Bian warf den Vereinten Nationen vor, seinem Land eine "politische Apartheid" aufzuzwingen. (APA/AP)
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The U.N.? Who Cares?
Kofi Annan & Co. might as well move to Brussels or Geneva.
Thursday, September 23, 2004 12:01 a.m. EDT
In response to such international lawlessness, our global watchdog, the United Nations, had been largely silent. It abdicates its responsibility of ostracizing those states that harbor such mass murderers, much less organizes a multilateral posse to bring them to justice. And yet under this apparent state of siege, President Bush in his recent address to the U.N. offered not blood and iron--other than an obligatory "the proper response is not to retreat but to prevail"--but Wilsonian idealism, concrete help for the dispossessed, and candor about past sins. The president wished to convey a new multilateralist creed that would have made a John Kerry or Madeleine Albright proud, without the Churchillian "victory at any cost" rhetoric. Good luck.
The Taliban and Saddam Hussein were once the United Nations' twin embarrassments, rogue regimes that thumbed their noses at weak U.N. protestations, slaughtered their own, invaded their neighbors, and turned their outlands into terrorist sanctuaries. Now they are gone, despite either U.N. indifference or veritable opposition to their removal. The United States sought not dictators in their place, but consensual government where it had never existed.
What was the response to Mr. Bush's new multifaceted vision? He was met with stony silence, followed by about seven seconds of embarrassed applause, capped off by smug sneers in the global media. Why so?
First, the U.N. is not the idealistic postwar organization of our collective Unicef and Unesco nostalgia, the old perpetual force for good that we once associated with hunger relief and peacekeeping. Its membership is instead rife with tyrannies, theocracies and Stalinist regimes. Many of them, like Algeria, Cuba, Iran, Vietnam and Zimbabwe, have served on the U.N.'s 53-member Commission on Human Rights. The Libyan lunocracy--infamous for its dirty war with Chad and cash bounties to mass murderers--chaired the 2003 session. For Mr. Bush to talk to such folk about the need to spread liberty means removing from power, or indeed jailing, many of the oppressors sitting in his audience.
Second, urging democratic reforms in Palestine, as Mr. Bush also outlined, is antithetical to the very stuff of the U.N., an embarrassing reminder that nearly half of its resolutions in the past half-century have been aimed at punishing tiny democratic Israel at the behest of its larger,more populous--and dictatorial--Arab neighbors. The contemporary U.N., then, has become not only hypocritical, but also a bully that hectors Israel about the West Bank while it gives a pass to a nuclear, billion-person China after swallowing Tibet; wants nothing to do with the two present dangers to world peace, a nuclear North Korea and soon to follow theocratic Iran; and idles while thousands die in the Sudan.
Third, the present secretary-general, Kofi Annan, is himself a symbol of all that is wrong with the U.N. A multibillion dollar oil-for-food fraud, replete with kickbacks (perhaps involving a company that his own son worked for), grew unchecked on his watch, as a sordid array of Baathist killers, international hustlers and even terrorists milked the national petroleum treasure of Iraq while its own people went hungry. In response, Mr. Annan stonewalls, counting on exemption from the New York press on grounds of his unimpeachable liberal credentials. Meanwhile, he prefers to denigrate the toppling of Saddam Hussein as "illegal," but neither advocates reinstitution of a "legal" Saddam nor offers any concrete help to Iraqis crafting consensual society. Like the U.N. membership itself, he enjoys the freedom, affluence and security of a New York, but never stops to ask why that is so or how it might be extended to others less fortunate.
Deeds, not rhetoric, are all that matter, as the once unthinkable is now the possible. There is no intrinsic reason why the U.N. should be based in New York rather than in its more logical utopian home in Brussels or Geneva. There is no law chiseled in stone that says any fascist or dictatorial state deserves authorized membership by virtue of its hijacking of a government. There is no logic to why a France is on the Security Council, but a Japan or India is not. And there is no reason why a group of democratic nations, unapologetic about their values and resolute to protect freedom, cannot act collectively for the common good, entirely indifferent to Syria's censure or a Chinese veto.
So Americans' once gushy support for the U.N. during its adolescence is gone. By the 1970s we accepted at best that it had devolved into a neutral organization in its approach to the West, and by the 1980s sighed that it was now unabashedly hostile to freedom. But in our odyssey from encouragement, to skepticism, and then to hostility, we have now reached the final stage--of indifference. Americans do not get riled easily, so the U.N. will go out with a whimper rather than a bang. Indeed, millions have already shrugged, tuned out, and turned the channel on it.
Lesenswert :daumen:
Wisst ihr was auf meiner Wunschliste fuer den Weihnachtsmann relativ weit oben steht? Das der Sauhaufen 30 neue staendige Mitglieder aufnimmt in den Sicherheitsrat- Indien und Pakistan, Israel, Griechenland, Iran und die Tuerkei, Deutschland und Italien/Polen, Japan und beide Koreas, Indonesien und Australien, Spanien und Marokko, Aethiopien und Eritrea, Peru und Ecuador, Kongo und Ruanda usw - und das die alle ein Vetorecht kriegen :evil:
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Zitat:U.N. At War With U.S.
The greatest threat to the United States is not Saddam Hussein or Osama bin Laden, or any of the thousands of terrorists throughout the world.
The No. 1 Enemy of the United States is the United Nations.
Because the United Nations is now dictating foreign policy for the United States.
Just look at the make-up of the United Nations, which is headquartered in the United States and heavily financed by the United States. The majority of the United Nations’ member-states are countries that believe in socialism, Marxism and Communism.
You don’t see America’s population shrinking from U.S. citizens seeking to live in France, Germany, China and other socialist/communist regimes.
No, people are coming to America, not leaving America.
I think it’s time the United Nations should be leaving America and setting up shop in one of their favored socialist or communist societies.
Why not locate the United Nations in Paris, or Berlin, or Beijing, or Havana – the dysfunctional “leaders” of socialism and communism?
The United States Congress should give the United Nations one year to find another “home” for their socialist/communist propaganda machine – a machine as fine-tuned as Hitler’s or Castro’s.
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Zitat:United Nations Part 10; The Devil's Parlor
By Dennis L. Siluk
Sept. 23, 2004
Well, somehow I think this article is going to be less substance and more attitude; I listened to John Kerry on the David Letterman Show [9/20/04], and if he didn't sound like a fairy, I'm not sure what [and so I've heard rumor to that affect anyhow]. He looked like Bucky-the-beaver. One difference between him and Goerge W. Bush is he can lie better. This guy has just not anything, I mean nothing that brings out any will in me to vote his way.
And I listened to Bush at the General Assemble at the United Nations speak [9/21/04]; and I was disappointed. The reason being, he gave too much credit to the UN and NATO for helping in Iraq. What are they doing? The UN has 20% of what they should have there for the coming elections, and complain they can't hold elections in January; thus, they create the problem, and then complain to the US, throw it at the US, as they had intended to in the first place saying they created the problems;
Let's get it straight Mr. Bush, how can I support you when you're giving credit where credit is not due. I was actually stunned to hear you credit these tax eating monsters.
And Kofi Annan, he spoke of course at the UN today, and all day long. He said the PLO is killing Israelites, and Israelites are destroying Palestine homes. He got that one right, I was shocked. I thought after I heard that, maybe there is hope for this guy. He said then, "All have a duty to restore...respect...No one above the law." That means you also Mr. Annan; he neglected that, and left out the prestigious United Nations, as if it was steady and within its own law, far from the truth; liar, liar, and so forth. He is worse than Kerry and Bush.
Incidentally, I think it's been going on since l994, this North Korea thing on nuclear weapons. It has been almost [98.5%] proven, North Korea has eight [8] nukes. Instead of begging these jerks to stop, and having them blackmail us, just give Japan and Taiwan all the nukes they can handle, and watch China get involved: you see when the equation changes, so does the attitude.
:rofl: :daumen:
Beiträge: 3.530
Themen: 193
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
Haet auch in den Israel-Palästinathread reingepasst....
Aber seis drum :evil:
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Zitat:Israel arrests 13 UN workers
(Filed: 05/10/2004)
Israel has arrested 13 United Nations employees over "suspected links to terrorism", an Israeli army officer has said.
The names and job titles of the UN staff members were not revealed and it was not clear when they were arrested.
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Zitat:Mortar Attacks on Israelis from UN Safe Haven
By David Bedein | October 4, 2004
Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Dan Gillerman, sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Sunday, demanding the dismissal of Peter Hansen from his position as commissioner-general of UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Work Agency), the organization that administers the Palestinian Arab refugee camps, under the premise and promise of the “right of return” to the homes and villages their ancestors left in 1948. In addition, Gillerman called for the United Nations to conduct a full investigation of UNWRA.
Reuters reports the Gillerman letter contains documentation that Hamas is using UN ambulances to smuggle arms and terrorists through the Gaza Strip.
15 months ago, the Hamas terror organization won more than 90% of the vote to run the UNRWA workers union in the UNRWA Arab refugee camps in Gaza. The salaries of UNRWA workers are paid through contributions that UNRWA receives from 38 contributing countries. The U.S. provides 30% of that budget, Canada contributes 4% of that budget, and the European countries contribute well over 55% of that budget.
In other words, the western democracies of the world pay the salaries of the Hamas terrorists on the payroll of UNRWA.
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Zitat:Life without UNWRA
National Post
October 5, 2004
The United Nations should disband its main Palestinian aid organization, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNWRA). The agency was conceived almost six decades ago to help Palestinians displaced after Israel's 1948 War of Independence. But it has since become intertwined with some of the most radical elements in Palestinian society. Indeed, UNWRA may in fact be worsening the Palestinian plight by facilitating the four-year-old terrorist war that has so devastated life in the West Bank and Gaza. At the very least, UNWRA's affiliation with terrorists is bringing shame upon the United Nations.
This disgrace has been acute of late. This past weekend, Peter Hansen, UNWRA's commissioner-general, disclosed in a CBC interview that members of Hamas are on the agency's payroll. In May, after Palestinian terrorists killed 11 Israeli soldiers in the Gaza strip, UNWRA ambulances were caught on tape smuggling terrorists out of the area. Late that same month, an Israeli newscast broadcast footage showing armed terrorists using UNWRA ambulances to flee. And last week, the Israeli army released additional footage that depicts more incidents in which UNWRA relief vehicles have been used to ferry terrorists throughout the disputed territories.
Wird Zeit das die UNRWA da rausgeschmissen wird....
Beiträge: 1.068
Themen: 18
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
Wird zeit das man diese ganze UN geschichte mal zu den Akten legt.
Beiträge: 28.156
Themen: 567
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
und was soll stattdessen kommen ?
- oder sollte man die UN nicht besser stärken anstatt "das Kind mit dem Bade auszuschütten" ?
Beiträge: 3.530
Themen: 193
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
Eine in meinen augen unmoralische, korrupte und nicht legitimierte Organisation gehoert nicht gestaerkt sondern verdient ihren Platz auf der Muellhalde der Geschichte gleich neben dem Völkerbund....
Wie schon gesagt - paar UnterOrganisatuionen wie WHO oder UNICEF haben sicher ihre Legitimität und da lohnt sich auch ein Weitererhalt - der grosse Wasserkopf drueber mit Sicherheitsrat, Menschenrechtskomission und Co kann eigentlich gleich unters Fallbeil landen......
*tag rot im Kalender makier* mal wieder mit Seccad einer Meinung
Beiträge: 596
Themen: 15
Registriert seit: Dec 2003
man brauch halt ne Organisation die halt auch mal das tut was der generalsekretär vorschlägt, das wär doch mal nen anfang^^
Wenn deutschland, japan, indien, brasilien und südafrika aufgenommen werden, sind wir zwar immernoch auf nem bescheidenen weg, aber nem besseren.