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Registriert seit: Oct 2003
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Zitat:Iran approves 'strategic missile'
Iran has confirmed that it successfully test-fired what it calls a "strategic missile" during recent military exercises.
Defence Minister Ali Shamkhani told Iranian state media that following the test, the missiles had now been delivered to the armed forces.
He did not name the missile or give details of its range.
"This strategic missile was successfully test-fired during... military exercises by the Revolutionary Guards and delivered to the armed forces," Mr Shamkhani said.
He was quoted by Iran's student news agency, Isna, as saying that it was better than another unspecified missile for four reasons - it was more powerful, more accurate, faster and had a longer range.
The French AFP news agency said it was not clear whether or not the minister was talking about an improved version of the Shahab-3 medium-range missile, which it said had been tested in August.
Beiträge: 10.452
Themen: 66
Registriert seit: Oct 2003
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Zitat:Iran’s new “Baby Bottle” Shihab.
Written by The Middle East Missile Monitor
Monday August 23, 2004
On August 11th, Iran announced a test of a new version of the Shihab 3 missile, described by Iranian sources as “More accurate”. Iran also released a video showing a missile taking off from a towed launcher indistinguishable from the Shihab 3 launchers paraded last year during the “Martyr’s Day” celebrations. Somewhat confusingly, senior Iranian officials are quoted by Jane's Defense Weekly in its August 18th issue as insisting that the test did not include a live firing. Rather, it was a “Field exercise”. Another source, the Website newsletter “Middle East New Line” (MENL), elaborates on the JDW disclosure, describing the test as a “Dry” field exercise of the entire Iranian command, control and communication (C3) structure – from political leadership down to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards troops that responded to an alert in the military base in Dasht-E-Kabir near Esfahan, took the Shihab3 missile from its silo and loaded it on the launcher.
The most surprising piece of information in this welter of confusing and contradictory reports about the events of August 11 is without doubt the video footage of the missile launch released by Iran. The silhouette of the ascending missile was new. From the reentry vehicle (RV) base down to the fins, the missile was practically indistinguishable from the long familiar “Shihab 3” as seen in previous flight tests. The front section of the missile, however, was radically different. Instead of its usual ‘Dunce Cap” RV of all the shihab missiles displayed to date (Figure 1 below), the August 11 image shows a completely different RV, consisting of a conical front section, a cylindrical (or shallow angle) mid section, and a flared skirt at the rear section (Figure 2). This three-section geometry is remindful of the early single warhead RV’s of both Superpowers during the 1960’s – the “Baby Bottle” shape of the early Polaris and its Soviet equivalent, the SSN6 (R-27).
The poor quality of the images makes it difficult to decide whether this new silhouette is merely some visual effect – deliberate or otherwise – in the released footage, or a true photographic record of a new version of the Shihab 3 missile. Several colleagues verified to the present writer that they too observed the same anomaly in the shape of the missile. With all due reservations, than, we shall proceed with an assumption that the released images are truly representative.
Changing the aerodynamic shape of an RV is not trivial. It impacts on the controllability of the entire missile during its boost phase, and on the trajectory, accuracy, and viability of the RV during re entry. Hence, if the Iranians decided to take this step, they must have had compelling reasons to do so. The most compelling reason would be the installation of a weapon that must fit into the RV but whose geometrical shape and center of gravity (CG) do not support installation in a conical RV. It is reasonable to assume that the weapon’s CG is well to the rear, so that its installation in the previous RV of the Shihab would make it unstable during reentry. A sharp angled “Skirt” or ...
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Zitat:Iran unveils redesigned Shahab missile
Following analysis of footage of an 11 August Shahab test in Iran, Rubin claims the new Shahab design bears a significant resemblance to the Soviet-era SS-9 inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM), now withdrawn from Russian service. According to Rubin, the Shahab re-entry vehicle of conical design has been replaced by a smaller vehicle shaped like a 'baby bottle' neck. Also, the cable raceway that ran along the propellant storage sections in ...
Bezieht sich vermutlich auf das von Seccad gepostete Video :
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Beiträge: 1.068
Themen: 18
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
kann sein aber das auf dem video ist die neuere version sieht man an dem neuen grösseren sprengkopf
hat eine reichweite von 2500km
wird wahrscheinlich auch nächstes jahr den sateliten in die umlaufbahn bringen
Beiträge: 3.878
Themen: 75
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
LONDON [MENL] -- Iran has launched a Shihab-3 intermediate-range missile with a nuclear warhead design.
Western intelligence sources said the Iranian Defense Ministry has redesigned the original Shihab-3 warhead to accommodate nuclear weapons. The sources said the new warhead was smaller and designed as a bottle-neck in a throwback to U.S. and Soviet intercontinental ballistic missiles of the 1960s.
The new Shihab-3 warhead was seen on Iranian television during a report on the Shihab-3 on Aug. 11. The sources said the Shihab warhead was changed from a conical design to that resembling a baby bottle.
The sources said the reentry vehicle of the new Shihab-3 design resembled the Soviet-origin SS-9. The SS-9 was a 1960s liquid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile launched from a silo and which contained a nuclear warhead.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _28_1.html</a><!-- m -->
Beiträge: 10.452
Themen: 66
Registriert seit: Oct 2003
Ich glaube, daß sich die Navigationssektion der letzten Stufe maßgeblich geändert hat.(gabs dort vorher überhaupt eine ?!) Das hatte zur Folge, daß man die konische Spitze nicht beibehalten konnte.
Allerdings ist die gesamte Rakete wohl um einen Meter größer geworden...
Wahrscheinlich basteln die russischen Wissenschaftler in Diensten der Iraner ihnen altbekannte Dinge nach... :?
Beiträge: 3.530
Themen: 193
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
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Zitat:Iran says being deliberately "ambiguous" over missiles
TEHRAN, Sept 27 (AFP) - Iran said Monday it was being deliberately ambiguous over its missile capability, currently a topic of intense speculation following fresh tests and the introduction of a "strategic" device.
During a military parade last week, Iran showed off its range of ballistic missiles draped in banners vowing to "crush America" and "wipe Israel off the map".
Beiträge: 1.068
Themen: 18
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
Zitat:Merowig postete
During a military parade last week, Iran showed off its range of ballistic missiles draped in banners vowing to "crush America" and "wipe Israel off the map".
Tja , das zweite wird wohl eintreffen , wenn demnächst wirklich ein Präventifschlag gegen Bushher zustande kommt!
Beiträge: 396
Themen: 0
Registriert seit: May 2004
Zitat:Seccad postete
Zitat:Merowig postete
During a military parade last week, Iran showed off its range of ballistic missiles draped in banners vowing to "crush America" and "wipe Israel off the map".
Tja , das zweite wird wohl eintreffen , wenn demnächst wirklich ein Präventifschlag gegen Bushher zustande kommt!
Mit konventionellen Sprengköpfen oder Atombomben?
Beiträge: 1.068
Themen: 18
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
Die Mini-Atombombe wurde noch nicht erfunden :evil:
Beiträge: 10.452
Themen: 66
Registriert seit: Oct 2003
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... uncher.htm</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:The feasibility of a Shihab 3 based satellite launcher
By Israel Briman and Arie Malta
In 1998 Ali Shamkarni, the Iranian Minister of Defense, claimed that the next Iranian missile (dubbed Shihab-4 by Western observers) and following the recently tested 1300 km Shihab–3, was actually a satellite launcher. Various sources have further described the Iranian satellite to be a reconnaissance or communications satellite. Iranian television even showed a mockup of the Iranian satellite and the satellite launcher (see the accompanying photo). The word IRIS is shown painted on the satellite launcher model.
Based on the enclosed photo, and assuming that the model of the launcher is interdimensionally correct, we performed an analysis of the orbital launch capabilities of the (presumed) IRIS satellite launcher. This computation was based on following engineering assumptions, partly evident from the photo and partly based on known Iranian rocket technology and on averaged numbers for the physical characteristics of the pertinent rocket motors that are openly published:
The length to diameter ratio of the IRIS launcher is about 12.
The launcher has 3 rocket stages.
All rocket stages use liquid propellant.
All stages have the same diameter.
A careful study of the photo indicates that the fins at the bottom of the launcher are very similar to those used in the NoDong / Shihab-3 ballistic missiles. The Shihab-3 fins include jet vanes, typical of German / early Soviet rocket designs
It was thus initially assumed that the IRIS satellite launcher uses the NoDong liquid propellant rocket engine and the 1.3 – 1.35 m diameter NoDong / Shihab-3 fuel and oxidizer tanks[i] for the first stage. This first stage would carry about 13 tons of liquid propellant, most probably composed of Nitric Acid and kerosene, as oxidizer and fuel respectively. Based on the 1:12 diameter to length ratio, the two upper stages of the launcher could carry up to 6.0 and 1.5 tons of propellant respectively. Factoring in the weight of the structure, tankage and the rocket motors themselves, the IRIS satellite launcher would then have a launch-weight of about 24-25 tons.
Using a specific impulse[ii] of 230 seconds at sea level (the standard value for this propellant combination) and an acceptable motor performance, the 95 sec burning NoDong engine generates about 29 tons of take-of-thrust. As noted below the NoDong engine is sometimes presented with 110 sec burning time: generating only 26 tons of take-off-thrust. We assume that the same liquid rocket engine is used in the second stage. The third stage motor is to be activated after throwing away the (by then) superfluous guidance and control electronics package, and the satellite fairing, shown in the picture. According to analysis such an IRIS launcher could place about a 5 kg satellite into a Low Earth Orbit (LEO). This definitely is not the satellite depicted in the photo.
Foto IRIS-Launcher : <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... age002.jpg</a><!-- m -->
Beiträge: 10.452
Themen: 66
Registriert seit: Oct 2003
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Zitat:Iran says it now has missile with 2,000 km range
Tuesday, October 05, 2004 - ©2004
Iran now has ballistic missiles with a range of 2,000 kilometres (1,240 miles), powerful former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani was quoted as saying on Tuesday by the state news agency IRNA.
"Today, we have the power to send our missiles up to 2,000 kilometres, and experts know that once a country has made such a step, all further steps are accessible," Rafsanjani said at a conference on "Space and National Security".
Steady progress made by Iran's ballistic missile programme is a source of concern to the international community, adding to worries about the country's nuclear activities, which Tehran insists are peaceful.
On August 11, Iran tested an upgraded version of its Shahab-3 missile. Previous figures had put the missile's range at between 1,300 and 1,700 kilometres, already bringing arch-enemy Israel well within range.
Following the latest test, Israeli news reports put the range of the new Shahab-3 -- believed to be based on a North Korean design -- at 2,000 kilometres.
"We have today the ballistic technology and if we had not limited our progress, we would have been even more advanced," Rafsanjani said.
"With this ballistic power, we can today speak of an independent satellite launch and we should seek the technology to make our own satellites," he added, saying Iran "was at the door of the club of country's having satellite technology."
Beiträge: 3.394
Themen: 195
Registriert seit: Dec 2003
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Zitat:Iran vergrößert Reichweite seiner Raketen
Die iranische Regierung hat verkündet, die Reichweiten seiner Raketen extrem vergrößert zu haben. Auch auf Israel könnte das Land nun Raketen abfeuern.
Iranische Raketen haben nach Angaben der Regierung in Teheran inzwischen eine Reichweite von 2000 Kilometern. Der frühere Präsident Haschemi Rafsandschani sagte der amtlichen Nachrichtenagentur Irna, damit könne man nun auch alle weiteren Phasen meistern.
Er sagte, man verfüge nun auch über die grundlegende Technologie, um Satelliten herzustellen und ins All zu bringen. Bereits im Januar hatte die iranische Regierung angekündigt, innerhalb von 18 Monaten einen Satelliten zu starten
Beiträge: 596
Themen: 15
Registriert seit: Dec 2003
und nun ist nicht nur Israel im mom gefährdet, sondern auch andere Staaen wie Griechenland oder Italien.
Das gibt dann der Staatengemeinscht auch zu denken...
Beiträge: 3.878
Themen: 75
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:NICOSIA [MENL] -- Iran has reported a breakthrough in its intermediate-range missile program.
For the first time, Iran has claimed a capability to develop and produce a missile with a range of 2,000 kilometers. The breakthrough was said to have been part of the enhanced Shihab-3 program, also known as the Shihab-4.
"Now we have the power to launch a missile with a range of 2,000 kilometers," former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, a leading aide to Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei, said. "And experts know that once a country has made such a step, all further steps are accessible."
Israeli and U.S. officials said the reference was to Iran's program to develop a series of multi-stage, intermediate- and long-range missiles. The officials said Iran was planning to assemble the Shihab-5 missile, with a range of 5,500 kilometers and the intercontinental Shihab-6, with a range of up to 10,000 kilometers.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _07_1.html</a><!-- m -->
Beiträge: 1.068
Themen: 18
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
und nun ist nicht nur Israel im mom gefährdet, sondern auch andere Staaen wie Griechenland oder Italien.
Das gibt dann der Staatengemeinscht auch zu denken...
Häää wieso issen Italien oder Griechenland gefährdet? :pillepalle: