(Land) Europäisches Projekt Twister
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ein projekt von bayern-chemie zur ballistische raketenabwehr

Zitat:Ducted-Rocket Missile-Defense Interceptor Shows Promise

Sep 7, 2015Graham Warwick | Aviation Week & Space Technology

Details have emerged of a ballistic-missile-defense interceptor concept designed by Germany’s Bayern-Chemie and using the throttleable ducted rocket (TDR) propulsion technology developed for Europe’s MBDA Meteor beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile.

A feasibility study of the lower-tier endoatmospheric interceptor has been completed by the company, funded by the German defense procurement agency and including tests of key technologies. Work on the missile concept is continuing internally, says Bayern-Chemie.

Information on the project to assess whether the TDR propulsion system could operate at an altitude of 35 km (115,000 ft.) and speeds exceeding Mach 5 emerged in papers presented at the American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics Propulsion & Energy conference in Orlando, Florida, in June.

“The Mach 5+ missile concept with throttleable ducted rocket propulsion was formulated to drive the TDR technology to velocity regimes beyond those that are currently covered by ramjet propulsion, for example Meteor,” says Karl Wieland Naumann, director of business development and strategy for Bayern-Chemie.

“The German defense ministry funded a feasibility study in 2011-14 to investigate some critical items like the air intakes and performance parameters, which delivered encouraging results. Currently we are doing some internal work to prepare for potential applications,” he says.

Producing continuous thrust, the TDR is an alternative to conventional missile propulsion systems that, after a short boost phase and second short sustain or pulse phase, can only rely on kinetic energy to intercept a target, Bayern-Chemie says.

Because the TDR propulsion system only works efficiently in supersonic flight, the ground-launched weapon has a first-stage booster to accelerate the interceptor to around Mach 2, where the second stage would take over and boost the missile to beyond Mach 5.

Following stage separation, an integral solid-propellant booster in the afterburner section of the TDR is ignited. After this booster tails off, an intake on the nose of the missile opens and air flows through an annular duct into the now-empty afterburner combustion chamber.

A gas generator containing oxygen-deficient solid propellant produces a fuel-rich gas that is injected via a blast tube into the afterburner chamber, mixed with the air and burned, the exhaust exiting through the shared rocket/ramjet nozzle to produce thrust.

Between the gas generator and ram-combustor is an interstage which houses an active valve that regulates the fuel mass flow. The rate at which fuel is produced is proportional to the pressure rise in the gas generator, the company says, so closing the valve increases fuel flow and thrust. To reduce fuel flow at high altitudes, a second set of blast tubes is opened by a one-shot pyrotechnic device.

Guide vanes at the entrance to the combustion chamber provide efficient mixing of the air and fuel. Port covers at the exit of these vanes protect the air duct from pressure oscillations and hot gases during second-stage booster operation. After booster tail-off, the covers are fragmented by a pyrotechnic device and ejected into the combustion chamber.

Under the funded feasibility study, Bayern-Chemie tested a model of the air intake in a tri-sonic wind tunnel in Cologne, Germany. The intake is opened by translating the compression cone backward, then an oblique shock system compresses and decelerates the air as it enters the annular duct.

Development resulted in an intake able to operate from Mach 3.5-5-plus, with an advanced boundary-layer bleed system to help start the inlet and a sensor system that enables the flight controller to adapt fuel mass flow into the combustion chamber to stability conditions at the intake.

The company also tested a carbon/silicon-carbide (C/SiC) combustion chamber for the ducted rocket. To withstand the temperatures inside and outside from both combustion and aerodynamic heating, a conventional metallic chamber would require internal and external thermal protection systems. This would increase the bore thickness and reduce the volume of propellant for the boost.

To maximize the integral booster’s size and push the Mach number at which the TDR takes over as high as possible, Bayern-Chemie developed a C/SiC combustion chamber without any thermal protection. Tests were conducted to see how the design withstands pressures, temperatures and erosion from the particle-laden combustion gas.

In two runs representing the climb (booster) and cruise (TDR) phases of an intercept, with an overall burn time of more than 60 sec., the simplified test chamber suffered no significant damage from erosion, a combustion temperature of 2,500K and static pressure of 6 bar, the company says. The tests suggest burn times of 120 sec. are achievable, which would widen the TDR’s operating regime, the company says.

At the Orlando conference, Bayern-Chemie presented the results of performance assessments for a TDR-powered lower-tier interceptor. This is a 150-km (93-mi.) range weapon with a 1.05-meter (3.4-ft.)-long, 0.5-meter-dia. first-stage booster that accelerates the missile to Mach 1.9 and 9,800 ft. for stage separation.

The second stage is 4.2 meters long, with an outside diameter of 0.45 meters. The integral booster housed in the afterburner chamber is 1.2 meters long. Simulations of five generic trajectories showed the TDR-powered missile met the kinematic requirements to intercept even maneuvering targets.

In three of the five trajectories simulated, the interceptor had residual propellant on board to provide additional thrust for end-game maneuvers. The other trajectories would require more advanced midcourse guidance, a larger gas generator and modified intake to improve performance, Bayern-Chemie says.

Das MBDA-Konzept scheint diesem Projekt ähnlich zu sein
[Bild: https://marineschepen.nl/nieuws/images/Twister-MBDA.jpg]
[Bild: https://marineschepen.nl/nieuws/images/T...MBDA-2.jpg]

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