09.12.2022, 10:16
Zitat:VIDEX 2022: Vietnam deploys armed UGV for special forces operationshttps://www.janes.com/defence-news/defen...operations
The People's Army of Vietnam has confirmed the operationalisation of an armed unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), and the system is now deployed across several special forces units.
Speaking to Janes at the Vietnam International Defense Exhibition (VIDEX) 2022, which is taking place in Hanoi from 8 to 10 December, a representative from the service confirmed that the RBB-01 UGV began an induction process in 2020 and is now fully operational with selected units. [...]
The RBB-01 is a tracked UGV that has been developed for the People's Army of Vietnam in collaboration with the country's state-affiliated Z-111 Factory. The system is equipped with the TL-K12 9 mm rapid-fire pistol that can dispense up to 1,000 rds/min with an effective kill range of about 50 m.
Interessant finde ich die aufgesetzte Waffe bzw. deren Kaliber, das ist meines Wissens nach eher unüblich, dass ein Pistolenkaliber zum Einsatz kommt. Im Regelfall haben wir ja eher leichte oder gar schwere Maschinengewehre oder Sturmgewehradaptionen aufgesetzt.